首页> 外文期刊>Ornis Fennica >Feeding habits of Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor wintering in north-eastern Poland: does prey abundance affect selection of prey size?

Feeding habits of Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor wintering in north-eastern Poland: does prey abundance affect selection of prey size?

机译:波兰东北部越冬的大灰伯劳拉尼厄斯(Quan Lanigus)越冬的喂养习惯:猎物的丰富程度会影响猎物大小的选择吗?

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Diet composition and prey selection of wintering Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) were studied at two sites in north-eastern Poland: in the Mazurian Lakeland and at Bialowieza Glade. The feeding habits of shrikes were recorded on the basis of 1582 prey items found in 1220 pellets, collected in years 1998-2003. Live-trapping of small mammals showed that in both habitats, Microtus voles predominated in rodent communities, with higher densities of the Common Vole (M. arvalis) in the Mazurian Lakeland, and the Root Vole W. oeconomus) in Bialowieza. At both sites, the two main shrike prey groups were small mammals and insects, with a lesser contribution of other prey (passerines, lizards and frogs). Voles comprised between 69 and 86% of consumed food biomass, while other small mammals comprised only 5-13% of prey biomass. Shrikes selectively hunted the Common Vole, especially in the habitat with a lower abundance of this species. On the other hand, in the habitat with a higher abundance of Common Voles, shrikes selected smaller individuals from this population, a feature that was not recorded in the habitat where the Root Vole was predominant. Therefore, intra- and inter-specific prey selection appears to be interrelated and dependent on prey abundance. The prey stored (here, prey impaled on thorns and spikes) by shrikes differed from the prey consumed. The Root Vole was not stored but occurred in the shrike diet. Frogs, newts and lizards were more often stored than consumed. Analysis of the proportion of skulls, pelvises and thigh-bones in pellets, suggests that at the end of winter and in early spring when voles numbers decline, shrikes consumed more whole vole bodies compared to the autumn.
机译:在波兰东北部的两个地方,即马祖里亚湖地区和比奥洛维萨扎·格莱德,研究了越冬的大灰伯劳(Lanius excubitor)的饮食组成和猎物选择。根据在1998-2003年收集的1220颗小球中发现的1582个猎物,记录了小sh的摄食习惯。小型哺乳动物的活体诱捕表明,在这两个栖息地中,田鼠田鼠在啮齿类动物群落中占主导地位,在马祖里安湖地区的普通田鼠和比亚沃维耶扎的根田鼠W. oeconomus密度更高。在这两个地点,伯劳鸟的两个主要猎物群是小型哺乳动物和昆虫,其他猎物(雀形目,蜥蜴和青蛙)的贡献较小。田鼠占食用生物量的69%至86%,而其他小型哺乳动物仅占猎物生物量的5-13%。 rik龟有选择性地猎杀普通田鼠,尤其是在该物种数量较少的栖息地。另一方面,在普通田鼠数量较多的栖息地中,sh虫从该种群中选择了较小的个体,这一特征在以根田鼠为主的栖息地中没有记录。因此,种内和种间的猎物选择似乎是相互关联的,并取决于猎物的数量。被sh击存储的猎物(在这里,刺和尖刺刺穿的猎物)与消耗的猎物不同。根田鼠没有储存,而是在伯劳饮食中发生的。青蛙,new和蜥蜴的存放量经常多于食用。对颗粒中的头骨,骨盆和大腿骨的比例进行的分析表明,在冬季末期和春季初,当田鼠数量下降时,与秋季相比,sh牛消耗了更多的田鼠体。



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