首页> 外文期刊>Ornithological Science >Nest site environment of the Black Woodpecker Dryocopus martius in northern Honshu, Japan.

Nest site environment of the Black Woodpecker Dryocopus martius in northern Honshu, Japan.

机译:在日本本州北部筑巢的黑啄木鸟Drycopopus martius的营地环境。

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The environmental features that characterize the nest and roost sites of Dryocopus martius in northern Honshu, Japan, were identified. A vegetation survey was conducted in 2002 and 2003 around each of eight nest sites and three roost sites, where D. martius brooding or roosting behaviour was confirmed visually. Half of the study nest sites showed a convex size-class distribution in which trees with 30-70 cm diameter at breast height were dominant, and the forest floor around the nest sites was not necessarily sparsely vegetated. Results of this study indicate that D. martius in Honshu seem to have broader preferences for environmental conditions of nest and roost sites than considered before.
机译:确定了表征日本本州北部Drycopopus martius巢和栖息地的环境特征。 2002年和2003年对八个巢穴和三个栖息地分别进行了植被调查,目视确认了马蒂乌斯的栖息或栖息行为。研究巢穴的一半显示出凸出的大小等级分布,其中胸高处直径为30-70厘米的树木占主导地位,巢穴周围的森林地面不一定是稀疏的植被。这项研究的结果表明,本州的D. martius对巢和栖息地环境条件的偏好似乎比以前考虑的要广泛。



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