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Contribution of different tillers within a plant to grain yield of rice


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A greenhouse experiment was conducted to investigate the contribution of different tillers in a plant towards grain yield and also to evaluate the ideotype of a low tillering rice for increasing grain yield potential. Among the four rice cultivars,IR 36 and Pusa Basmati-I had an earlier and longer tillering period compared with Saket-4 and Basmati 370. Different tillering orders had varying tillering periods. Percent effective tillers was higher in low tillering cultivars than in high tillering ones. Based on spikelet number and grain weight of panicle, the panicles on the first formed 10 tillers in a plant (main culm, first 5-6 primary tillers and the first 2-3 secondary tillers) were larger than other panicles. These top 10 tillers were characterized by early initiation, early flowering, longer growth duration, heavier culm and greater flag leaf area. Panicles from primary tillers were larger than those from secondary and tertiary tillers. Tertiary and late secondary tillers contributed littleto grain yield and hence, selection of breeding lines without these tillers is recommended. Reduced tillering generally resulted in larger and heavier panicles with an increase in the number of panicle branches, spikelets and grain weight, compared to the corresponding tillers in plants with unrestricted tillering. The results suggest that the critical number of tillers for a low tillering rice ideotype must be around 10.
机译:进行了温室试验,以研究植物中不同分till对谷物产量的贡献,并评估低分rice水稻增加谷物产量潜力的表型。与Saket-4和Basmati 370相比,在四个水稻品种中,IR 36和Pusa Basmati-I的分till期更早且更长。不同的分orders顺序具有不同的分periods期。低分er品种的有效分ers百分比高于高分till品种。根据穗的穗数和穗粒重,植物中第一个形成的10个分till(主茎,第一个5-6个初级分ers和第一个2-3个第二分ers)上的穗大于其他穗。这十大分till的特征是早萌,早开花,更长的生长持续时间,茎秆较重和旗叶面积更大。一级分till的穗大于二级和三级分those。第三和第二次分till对谷物产量的贡献很小,因此,建议选择没有这些分ers的育种系。与分till无限制的植物中的相应分ers相比,分减少通常会导致穗更大和更重,穗分枝,小穗和谷粒的数量增加。结果表明,低分rice水稻分型的关键分number数必须为10左右。



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