首页> 外文期刊>Organic Geochemistry: A Publication of the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry >Preface to the Special Issue on 'Stable Isotopes in Biogeosciences III' Preface

Preface to the Special Issue on 'Stable Isotopes in Biogeosciences III' Preface


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Stable isotopes, as part of elements spread all over the Earth, have been particularly valuable in biogeochemical studies. They link the mechanistic understanding of element cycling on different scales in modern and ancient biogeosystems. Stable isotopes provide a ‘tracer-based perspective’ (Fry, 2006) for studying the evolution of life on Earth, the understanding of past and prediction of future environmental changes in ecosystems, and the search for extraterrestrial life. The analytical techniques to determine stable isotope ratios are currently among the most precise measurements in geochemistry. The patterns in the distribution of their natural abundance reflect biogeochemical processes from the scale of individual cells and enzymatic processes to the global distribution and cycling of elements. Extracting the information recorded in stable isotope signatures in nature is complex, but the inclusion of an ‘isotope view’ in virtually any research project may add an irreplaceable value. The fields of research involving the use of stable isotope discrimination has evolved from geochemistry to cover now almost all areas of natural, life and cultural sciences including applied disciplines like medicine, archeology, agriculture and criminology.



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