首页> 外文期刊>Organic Geochemistry: A Publication of the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry >Sediment cores representative of contrasting environments in salt flats of the Moknine continental sabkha (Eastern Tunisia): Sedimentology, bulk features of organic matter, alkane sources and alteration

Sediment cores representative of contrasting environments in salt flats of the Moknine continental sabkha (Eastern Tunisia): Sedimentology, bulk features of organic matter, alkane sources and alteration


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The Moknine continental sabkha exhibits particularly contrasting situations in terms of inundation, silting up, evaporite deposition, vegetation and detrital material input. Following extensive preliminary studies, eight representative cores were selected. Marked differences in sedimentology were observed between the cores; they are accounted for by the present (and past) position of the core in the sabkha, the depth of the zone and the extent of detrital material input from oueds. Examination of 58 sections from the cores showed conspicuous differences in organic matter abundance and aliphaticity (not related to the nature of the facies) and also in the abundance of the total lipid extracts and aliphatic hydrocarbons. Alkane distributions in the 58 sections and their variations reflect the complex and variable interrelationships in the contrasting environments of the sabkha, between the (i) nature of the different types of sources (bacteria, cyanobacteria, microalgae and higher plants), (ii) composition of these different sources and (iii) extent of bacterial degradation of the alkanes from primary sources.
机译:在淹没,淤积,蒸发岩沉积,植被和碎屑物质输入方面,莫克宁大陆萨布哈地区表现出特别相反的情况。经过广泛的初步研究,选择了八个代表性核心。在岩心之间观察到明显的沉积学差异。它们是由岩心在sabkha中的当前(和过去)位置,该区域的深度以及来自废料的碎屑物质输入的程度解释的。从岩心中检查了58个断面,发现有机物丰度和脂肪度(与相的性质无关)以及总脂质提取物和脂肪烃的丰度有明显差异。 58个部分的烷烃分布及其变化反映了sabkha对比环境中复杂和可变的相互关系,(i)不同类型的来源(细菌,蓝细菌,微藻类和高等植物)的性质之间,(ii)组成这些不同的来源以及(iii)细菌从主要来源降解烷烃的程度。




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