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Entangling the Free Motion of a Particle Pair: An Experimental Scenario


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The concept of dissociation-time entanglement provides a means of manifesting non-classical correlations in the motional state of two counter-propagating atoms. In this article, we discuss in detail the requirements for a specific experimental implementation, which is based on the Feshbach dissociation of a molecular Bose-Einstein condensate of fermionic lithium. A sequence of two magnetic field pulses serves to delocalize both of the dissociation products into a superposition of consecutive wave packets, which are separated by a macroscopic distance. This allows to address them separately in a switched Mach-Zehnder configuration, permitting to conduct a Bell experiment with simple position measurements. We analyze the expected form of the two-particle wave function in a concrete experimental setup that uses lasers as atom guides. Assuming viable experimental parameters the setup is shown to be capable of violating a Bell inequality.



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