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Applicability of the T-Matrix Method and Its Modifications


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The range of applicability of the T-matrix method and its modifications for solving the problem of the scattering of electromagnetic radiation by nonspherical, axially symmetric particles is investigated analytically and numerically. The use of this method for calculating the characteristics of scattered radiation in the farfield region (the extinction and scattering cross sections, the scattering indicatrix, etc.) is shown to be appropriate for "weak-Rayleigh-type" particles. This condition is met when the intersection of the analytic continuations of the scattered and internal fields contains a ring with the center at the origin of coordinates. For a reliable calculation of the scattered field in the near-field region, it is necessary that a particle be a "Rayleigh-type" one (i.e., the Rayleigh hypothesis be valid for it). In this case, the singularities of the scattered field must occur inside a sphere lying inside a scatterer. Spheroidal particles are weak-Rayleigh-type ones if their semiaxes ratio is a/b<(sq root+1), and they are Rayleigh-type ones if a/b
机译:通过分析和数值研究了T矩阵方法的适用范围及其解决非球形轴向对称粒子散射电磁辐射问题的改进方法。该方法用于计算远场区域的散射辐射的特性(消光和散射截面,散射指示物等)适用于“弱瑞利”型粒子。当散射场和内部场的解析连续体的交点包含一个以坐标原点为中心的圆环时,满足此条件。为了可靠地计算近场区域中的散射场,必须使粒子为“瑞利型”粒子(即,瑞利假设对其有效)。在这种情况下,散射场的奇异性必须出现在位于散射体内部的球体内。如果球状粒子的半轴比为a / b <(sq root + 1),则为弱Rayleigh型粒子;如果a / b



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