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The Rytov Law of Rotation of the Field Vectors in an Arbitrary Curvilinear Coordinate System


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It is shown that the magnitude of the Rytov rotation of the plane of polarization about the natural Frenet trihedron can be expressed in terms of the torsion tensor components (Christoffel symbols) in the curvilinear coordinate system where the Frenet trihedron is fixed. It is proposed to extend the Rytov law to an arbitrary curvilinear coordinate system. When applied to a curvilinear coordinate system in which the wavefront surface is a function of two coordinates, the "generalized" Rytov law makes it possible to predict the effect of additional rotation of a beam of rays. The effect is proportional to the average wavefront curvature and is determined by the sign of circular polarization. It is predicted that in the case of a multimode optical waveguide the speckle pattern is rotated by the angle that is equal to the magnitude of the Rytov rotation of field vectors.
机译:结果表明,极化平面围绕自然Frenet三面体的Rytov旋转幅度可以用固定Frenet三面体的曲线坐标系中的扭转张量分量(Christoffel符号)表示。建议将Rytov定律扩展到任意曲线坐标系。当将其应用于波前表面是两个坐标的函数的曲线坐标系时,“广义” Rytov定律可以预测光束的额外旋转的影响。该影响与平均波阵面曲率成正比,并由圆极化的符号决定。可以预见,在多模光波导的情况下,散斑图样旋转的角度等于场矢量的Rytov旋转幅度。



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