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Electron-Stimulated Transitions in the 2p~53s Configuration of the Ne Atom


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An experiment on electron heating in a decaying helium-neon plasma by a longitudinal electric field was used to measure a set of rate constants for electron-stimulated transitions between the 3s levels of the Ne atom. This set adequately describes the kinetics of populations of ~3P_2, ~3P_1, and ~3P_0 states in the range of electron temperatures T_3 = 0.03-1.2 eV and has the form k_(21) - (2.77 ± 0.15) * 10~(-7) exp(-Δ_(21)/T_e)(0.03/T_e), k_(20) = (8.2 ± 4) * 10~(-9) exp(-Δ_(20)/T_e), and k_(10) = (3.1 ± 0.7) * 10~(-8) exp(-Δ_(21)/T_) cm~3/s, where Δ_(ij) are the thresholds of the processes. Moreover, the rate constant for "mixing" of 3s levels in the channel of stepwise excitation of the 2p~53p system with subsequent radiative 3p → 3s transitions is determined: k_(sps) = (2.1 ± 1) exp(-1.7/T_e) * 10~(-8) cm~3/s. The comparison of the values obtained for the rate constants suggests that the transitions without a change of total momentum of an atomic residue have the highest probability.
机译:通过在衰减氦氖等离子体中通过纵向电场对电子进行加热的实验,来测量一组电子常数,该常数用于电子激发的Ne原子3s能级之间的跃迁。该集合充分描述了在电子温度T_3 = 0.03-1.2 eV范围内〜3P_2,〜3P_1和〜3P_0态的种群动力学,其形式为k_(21)-(2.77±0.15)* 10〜(- 7)exp(-Δ_(21)/ T_e)(0.03 / T_e),k_(20)=(8.2±4)* 10〜(-9)exp(-Δ_(20)/ T_e),k_(10 )=(3.1±0.7)* 10〜(-8)exp(-Δ_(21)/ T_)cm〜3 / s,其中Δ_(ij)是过程的阈值。此外,确定在2p〜53p系统的逐步激发通道中具有随后的3p→3s辐射跃迁的3s水平“混合”的速率常数:k_(sps)=(2.1±1)exp(-1.7 / T_e )* 10〜(-8)cm〜3 /秒对速率常数所获得的值的比较表明,不改变原子残基总动量的跃迁具有最高的概率。



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