首页> 外文期刊>Optik: Zeitschrift fur Licht- und Elektronenoptik: = Journal for Light-and Electronoptic >Defocusing characteristics of template matching recording codes for multilayered waveguide holographic read-only memory

Defocusing characteristics of template matching recording codes for multilayered waveguide holographic read-only memory


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This study computationally discusses the defocusing tolerance of recording codes for multilayered waveguide holographic read-only memory that uses the telecentric optical system. In this memory, a high code rate (eta) and large focusing margin (Delta(m)) are respectively required for a large capacity and for fabricating its reproduction optical unit without a focusing servo. The conventional 2/16 code possesses a low eta of 0.125, and the 4/9 code with a high eta of 0.44 exhibits a small Delta(m) of +/- 20 mu m. Two types of template matching codes, namely, the 4/16 code and modified 4/9 code were examined in terms of meeting both requirements. The 4/16 code, in which the distances between bright code pixels were increased, resulted in an eta of 0.25 and 7.5 times larger Delta(m) than the conventional 4/9 code. Also, a high eta of 0.44 and a two times larger Delta(m) improvement were confirmed in the 4/9 code when the code was modified with code spot position shift. (C) 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
机译:这项研究在计算上讨论了使用远心光学系统的多层波导全息只读存储器的记录代码的散焦容限。在这种存储器中,对于大容量及其在没有聚焦伺服的情况下制造其再现光学单元而言,分别需要高编码率(η)和大聚焦裕度(Delta(m))。常规的2/16码的eta值低至0.125,而4/9码的eta值高至0.44,则Delta(m)较小,为+/- 20μm。为了满足这两个要求,检查了两种模板匹配代码,即4/16代码和修改后的4/9代码。 4/16码(其中亮代码像素之间的距离增加了)导致的eta(增量)是传统4/9码的0.25和7.5倍,Delta(m)大。另外,当用代码点位置偏移修改代码时,在4/9代码中确认到0.44的高eta和大两倍的Delta(m)改进。 (C)2015 Elsevier GmbH。版权所有。



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