
Homogenization of similarly oriented, metallic, ellipsoidal inclusions using the Bruggeman formalism


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The effective relative permittivity dyadic of a composite material made by randomly embedding parallel, ellipsoidal, isotropic, metallic inclusions in an homogeneous, isotropic, dielectric host material is computed using the Bruggeman formalism with exact depolarization dyadics. Numerical calculations carried out for iron inclusions at 670 nm free-space wavelength indicate that the inclusion volume fraction at the percolation threshold is direction-dependent, being lower in those directions that the ellipsoids have longer extents. When the longest principal semi-axis of an ellipsoidal inclusion exceeds a certain relative size - about three to five times as large as the other two principal semi-axes - the Bruggeman estimate of the effective permittivity along this direction does not indicate a percolation threshold, becoming merely a simple weighting of the permittivities of the two materials in relation to their volume fractions.
机译:使用Bruggeman形式和精确的去极化对偶,通过将平行的,椭圆形的,各向同性的金属夹杂物随机嵌入均质,各向同性的介电基质材料中而制成的复合材料的有效相对介电常数二进阶。对自由空间波长为670 nm的铁夹杂物进行的数值计算表明,渗流阈值处的夹杂物体积分数与方向有关,在椭圆体具有较长程度的方向上较低。当椭圆形夹杂物的最长主半轴超过某个相对大小(大约是其他两个主半轴的三到五倍)时,沿此方向的有效介电常数的Bruggeman估计并不表示渗透阈值,只是简单地权衡了两种材料相对于其体积分数的介电常数。



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