
Update on the pattern electroretinogram in glaucoma.


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PURPOSE: To review the efficacy of the pattern electroretinogram (PERG) in early diagnosis of glaucoma. METHODS: Stimulation parameters of check size and temporal frequency are considered. Analyses of various peaks (P50, N95, the N95/P50) and Fourier steady-state are considered. The relation to visual field defects is explored. RESULTS: The PERG is markedly alterated in glaucoma. It shows amplitude reductions in (still) normal areas of the visual field. Optical imaging on the retina needs to be optimal. Higher temporal frequency (>10 reversals/s) improves the sensitivity to detect glaucoma compared with transient stimulation. The ratio between the amplitudes to 0.8 degrees checks and to 16 degrees checks, "PERG ratio," exploits a check size-specific reduction in early glaucoma and reduces variability. Longitudinal studies suggest that the PERG can indicate incipient glaucoma damage before evidence from the visual field. CONCLUSIONS: The PERG is a demanding electrophysiological technique that can serve as a sensitive biomarker for retinal ganglion cell function. With appropriate paradigms, PERG assists in identifying those patients with elevated interocular pressure in whom glaucoma damage is incipient before visual field changes occur.
机译:目的:回顾视网膜电图(PERG)在青光眼的早期诊断中的功效。方法:考虑检查量和时间频率的刺激参数。考虑各种峰(P50,N95,N95 / P50)和傅立叶稳态的分析。探索与视野缺陷的关系。结果:PERG在青光眼中明显改变。它显示了(正常)视场正常区域的振幅降低。视网膜上的光学成像需要是最佳的。与短暂刺激相比,更高的时间频率(> 10反转/ s)提高了检测青光眼的灵敏度。振幅到0.8度检查与16度检查之间的比率“ PERG比率”利用了检查量特定于青光眼的减少,并减少了变异性。纵向研究表明,PERG可以在视野证据之前指示青光眼的初期损害。结论:PERG是一种苛刻的电生理技术,可以作为视网膜神经节细胞功能的敏感生物标志物。通过适当的范例,PERG可以帮助确定那些在眼压升高之前发生视野改变的眼压升高的患者。



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