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Oil and Gas Lease: Coal Bed Methane Gas


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At all times the Hardimans own the surface and all of the minerals in a 60-acre tract of land. In 1976 they enter into an oil and gas lease with Cimarron Oil's predecessor in interest. This lease covers all the rights to develop the "oil and gas" in the land. The lease remains in effect when Howard Energy obtained its lease. In 2001 the Hardimans enter into a "Coal Bed Methane Lease" with Howard Energy, covering the same land leased to Cimarron Oil, but covering the coal bed methane gas. The trial court holds that the Hardimans' 1976 lease does not encompass coal bed methane gas and therefore Howard Energy holds the leasehold rights to the coal bed methane gas. Held: Affirmed. The court concludes that when the Cimarron Oil lease is executed in 1976 the parties did not contemplate the possibility of developing the gas found in coal seams. The court, in an apparent effort to protect the coal estate, concludes that coal bed methane was not included in the 1976 lease of "oil and gas."
机译:Hardimans始终拥有60英亩土地中的地表和所有矿物。 1976年,他们与Cimarron Oil的前身签订了油气租赁合同。该租约涵盖了在该土地上开发“石油和天然气”的所有权利。当霍华德能源获得租约时,该租约仍然有效。在2001年,哈迪玛斯人与霍华德能源公司(Howard Energy)签订了“煤层气租赁”协议,涉及租赁给Cimarron Oil的同一土地,但涵盖煤层气。初审法院认为,Hardimans 1976年的租约不包括煤层气,因此霍华德能源公司拥有该煤层气的租赁权。举行:确认。法院的结论是,1976年执行Cimarron石油租约时,当事双方未考虑开发煤层中发现的天然气的可能性。法院显然是为了保护该煤炭产业而作出的结论是,煤层气不包括在1976年的“石油和天然气”租赁中。



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