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Mineral Reservations and Exceptions: Federal Land Bank


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Plaintiffs' predecessors-in-interest purchased a tract of land from the Federal Land Bank of St. Louis (FLB) in 1938 and 1939. The FLB had acquired the tract pursuant to the Federal Farm Loan Act of 1916, which was repealed in its entirety by the Farm Credit Act of 1971, PubL. No. 92-181, 85 Stat. 583 (1971). In both the 1938 and 1939 conveyances from the FLB they reserved to themselves 1/2 of the oil, gas, coal and other minerals. The deeds contain no temporal limits. Under the 1916 Act, federal land banks were limited to holding land to a period of no more than five years without getting special permission. In 1943, the Farm Credit Administration promulgated a regulation that authorized federal land banks to hold mineral rights for a period in excess of five years. Plaintiffs brought this action asserting that the five-year limit on owning surface and mineral estates governs their 1938 and 1939 deeds so that they are now the owners of the FLB-reserved 1/2 mineral interest. The District Court concluded that the 1916 Act was not violated by the perpetual reservation since with "special approval" the mineral rights reservation could be extended and that the 1943 regulation exempted the mineral rights from the five-year limit. Held: affirmed. The Eighth Circuit focused on the language in the 1916 Act that allowed federal land banks to hold either surface or mineral interests in excess of five years with special approval. The 1943 regulation constituted such special approval even though it took place well beyond the five-year period from when the FLB first obtained ownership of the interests eventually conveyed to the plaintiffs in 1938 and 1939. Thus, the five-year limit was not applicable to the FLB reserved 1/2 mineral interests and plaintiffs were not entitled to be declared the owners thereof.
机译:原告的前任利害关系人分别于1938年和1939年从圣路易斯联邦土地银行(FLB)购买了一块土地。FLB根据1916年的《联邦农场贷款法》获得了该土地,该法案在其法律中被废除了。完全由1971年的《农场信贷法》(PubL)获得。 92-181号,第85号583(1971)。在1938年和1939年来自FLB的运输工具中,他们只保留了石油,天然气,煤炭和其他矿物质的1/2。行为没有时间限制。根据《 1916年法令》,未经特别许可,联邦土地储备不得超过5年。 1943年,农场信用管理局(Farm Credit Administration)颁布了一项法规,授权联邦土地银行持有矿产权五年以上。原告提出此诉讼,称其拥有1938年和1939年契约的地表和矿产财产拥有期限为5年,因此,他们现在是FLB保留的1/2矿产权益的所有者。地方法院的结论是,永久保留不违反《 1916年法》,因为在获得“特别批准”的情况下,矿产权利的保留可以延期,而1943年的法规将矿产权利免于五年期限。举行:肯定。第八巡回法院着眼于《 1916年法令》中的措辞,该措辞允许联邦土地储备经特别批准而持有地表或矿产权益超过五年。 1943年的法规构成了这样的特殊批准,即使该法规的生效期远远超过了FLB最初获得对所有权的所有权之后的五年,最终于1938年和1939年转交给了原告。因此,五年期限不适用于FLB保留了1/2个矿产权益,原告无权被宣布为其所有者。



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