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Conveyancing: Brokerage of 03 and Gas Interests; Real Estate License


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Plaintiffs, who were not licensed real estate brokers, enter into a consultation agreement with defendants to find a buyer for certain property. After plaintiffs find a buyer the defendants refuse to pay the agreed fee, asserting that the plaintiffs are not licensed real estate brokers; a statute, La. R.S. 37:1445, provides that unlicensed persons cannot recover brokerage charges. The trial court sustains the defendants' exception on this basis. Plaintiffs appealed. Held: Judgment sustaining the exception affirmed, but trial court's dismissal of the suit to allow plaintiffs IS days to amend their petition reversed. While the plaintiffs may be precluded from most recovery under the consultation agreement for lack of a license, they should be given an opportunity to amend their petition to allow them to seek recovery for the portion of the fee that would be attributable to the sale of oil, gas, and other mineral interests, the brokerage of which does not require a real estate license by the Louisiana Real Estate Commission.
机译:未经许可的房地产经纪人的原告与被告订立了一项协商协议,以寻找某些物业的买方。原告找到买家后,被告拒绝支付约定的费用,称原告不是持照房地产经纪人;法规,La R.S. 37:1445,规定无执照者无法追讨经纪费用。审判法院在此基础上维持被告的例外。原告提起上诉。举行:维持该例外的判决得到确认,但原审法院驳回该诉讼,以允许原告IS天修改其请愿书的请求被撤销。虽然根据咨询协议,由于缺乏执照,原告可能无法获得多数追偿,但应给他们机会修改其请愿书,使他们能够就可归因于石油销售的部分费用寻求追偿,天然气和其他矿产权益,其经纪不需要路易斯安那州房地产委员会的房地产执照。



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