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Oil and Gas Leases: Habendum Clause Shut-in Royalty Clause: Capable of Production


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Maw drilled numerous wells into coal seams on lands leased by Levin and others. Each oil and gas lease contained a habendum clause that would extend the lease so long as oil or gas was produced or so long as operations were being conducted which included drilling, reworking, or "dewatering" operations. Although Maw had drilled wells into the coal formation, dewatering had not commenced. The shut-in royalty clauses required that mere be a "gas well" that has been "shut in." In answer to the lessors' complaint the lessee admitted "that no pipe had been laid to deliver gas to a gathering system and mat the wells had neither produced nor led to sale of any natural gas." 234 P.3d at 812. The District Court found that "the wells required several improvements, including 'a dewatering system, pipelines to a gathering system, and a gathering system,' before they could produce natural gas." Id. Relying on two Texas cases, the District Court granted summary judgment to the lessors finding the wells were not capable of producing in paying quantities because they required additional equipment or work before they could produce. Held: Reversed and remanded.
机译:花胶在莱文和其他人租用的土地上的煤层中钻了许多井。每个石油和天然气租赁都包含一个吊销条款,只要生产石油或天然气,或者只要进行的操作(包括钻井,返工或“脱水”操作),便会延长租赁期限。尽管花胶已在煤层中钻了井,但脱水尚未开始。封闭的特许权使用条款仅要求是已“关闭”的“气井”。承租人在回答出租人的抱怨时承认:“没有铺设任何管道将天然气输送到集水系统,井的井既没有生产也没有导致任何天然气的销售。” 234 P.3d at 812.地区法院裁定:“在生产天然气之前,需要对井进行几处改进,包括'脱水系统,通往收集系统的管道和收集系统'。” ID。地方法院依据德克萨斯州的两个案件,对出租人作出简易判决,认为出租人无法生产可支付数量的油井,因为它们需要额外的设备或工作才能生产。举行:撤回并还押。



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