首页> 外文期刊>Oikos: A Journal of Ecology >Non-lethal effects of predators on prey growth rates depend on prey density and nutrient additions

Non-lethal effects of predators on prey growth rates depend on prey density and nutrient additions


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A number of studies show that predators can depress prey growth rates by inducing reductions in foraging activity, but the size of this non-lethal effect is quite variable. Here I investigate how prey density and resource productivity may alter the extent to which predators depress the growth rates of their prey. Theory predicts that when resources are overgrazed, an increase in predation risk will have little net effect on individual food intake because the decline in foraging effort will be offset by an increase in resource level. Thus, the non-lethal effects of predators on prey growth rates should depend upon prey density and resource productivity in a predictable manner, with the growth penalty imposed by predators being strongest when resources are undergrazed and weakest when resources are overgrazed. I tested this hypothesis by manipulating predation risk, prey density, and nutrient additions in a mesocosm experiment with the pulmonate snail Helisoma trivolvis. Refuge use by snails was 45% higher in the presence of caged crayfish than in their absence. Snail growth rates were reduced, on average, by 24% in the presence of caged crayfish. However, the magnitude of the growth penalty exacted by crayfish depended on snail density and nutrient additions. When snails were stocked at high density and nutrient additions were low, growth suppression was just 2.6%. At the other extreme, when snails were at low density and nutrient additions were high, growth suppression was 44.6%. Thus, the non-lethal effects of predators on prey growth depend on environmental context, illustrating an important link between individual traits and system-level properties.
机译:许多研究表明,捕食者可以通过诱导觅食活动的减少来抑制猎物的生长速度,但是这种非致命作用的大小却变化很大。在这里,我研究了猎物的密度和资源生产力如何改变捕食者压抑其猎物增长率的程度。理论预测,当资源过度放牧时,捕食风险的增加对单个食物的摄入几乎没有净影响,因为觅食努力的减少将被资源水平的增加所抵消。因此,捕食者对猎物增长率的非致命影响应以可预测的方式取决于猎物密度和资源生产力,当资源不足时,捕食者所施加的生长惩罚最大,而当资源过度时,其施加的惩罚最弱。我通过对肺蜗牛田螺Helisoma trivolvis进行了介观试验,通过控制捕食风险,猎物密度和营养添加来验证了这一假设。有笼养小龙虾的情况下,蜗牛的避难所要比没有笼养小龙虾的情况高出45%。在笼养小龙虾的情况下,蜗牛的生长速度平均降低了24%。然而,小龙虾对生长惩罚的严重程度取决于蜗牛的密度和营养成分。当蜗牛以高密度放养而营养添加量较低时,生长抑制仅为2.6%。在另一个极端,当蜗牛密度低而营养素添加量高时,生长抑制为44.6%。因此,捕食者对猎物生长的非致命影响取决于环境,说明了个体特征和系统级特性之间的重要联系。



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