首页> 外文期刊>Oil Spill Intelligence Report >Cleanup of Kalamazoo River System Nearing Completion

Cleanup of Kalamazoo River System Nearing Completion


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Sections of Talmadge Creek and the Kalamazoo River, in southern Michigan (USA), that were contaminated by a pipeline oil spill last July (see OSIR, 29 July 2010) could be open again for recreational use sometime this summer, according to local health officials. Approximately 840,000 gallons (20,000 barrels) of oil leaked on 26 July 2010, when a 40-year-old Enbridge Energy Partners LP (Enbridge) pipeline ruptured and spilled oil into Talmadge Creek near Marshall, Michigan in Calhoun County. Oil quickly flowed downstream, and also contaminated the Kalamazoo River. The pipeline was shut down until late September 2010, and cleanup of the spill continued over the winter. Line 6B has a capacity of 190,000 barrels of oil per day, and runs from Griffith, Indiana (USA) to refineries in Sarnia, Ontario (Canada).
机译:据当地卫生官员称,去年七月(美国)密歇根州南部的Talmadge Creek和Kalamazoo河段被管道漏油污染(见OSIR,2010年7月29日),今年夏天可能再次开放用于娱乐。 2010年7月26日,大约40万加仑(20,000桶)的石油泄漏,当时已有40年历史的Enbridge Energy Partners LP(Enbridge)管道破裂并将石油泄漏到卡尔霍恩县密歇根州马歇尔市附近的Talmadge Creek。石油迅速流向下游,也污染了卡拉马祖河。管道一直关闭到2010年9月下旬,整个冬季,溢油清理工作仍在继续。 6B号线每天的生产能力为190,000桶石油,从印第安纳州的格里菲斯(美国)到安大略省萨尼亚的炼油厂(加拿大)。



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