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Variation in the incidence of teratomas after the transplantation of nonhuman primate ES cells into immunodeficient mice.


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Embryonic stem (ES) cells have the ability to generate teratomas when transplanted into immunodeficient mice, but conditions affecting the generation remain to be elucidated. Nonhuman primate cynomolgus ES cells were transplanted into immunodeficient mice under different conditions; the number of transplanted cells, physical state (clumps or single dissociated cells), transplant site, differentiation state, and immunological state of recipient mice were all varied. The tumorigenicity was then evaluated. When cynomolgus ES cells were transplanted as clumps into the lower limb muscle in either nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficiency (NOD/SCID) or NOD/SCID/gammac(null) (NOG) mice, teratomas developed in all the animals transplanted with 1 x 10(5) or more cells, but were not observed in any mouse transplanted with 1 x 10(5) cells. However, when the cells were transplanted as dissociated cells, the number of cells necessary for teratomas to form in all mice increased to 5 x 10(5). When the clump cells were injected subcutaneously (instead of intramuscularly), the number also increased to 5 x 10(5). When cynomolgus ES cell-derived progenitor cells (1 x 10(6)), which included residual pluripotent cells, were transplanted into the lower limb muscle of NOG or NOD/SCID mice, the incidence of teratomas differed between the strains; teratomas developed in five of five NOG mice but in only two of five NOD/SCID mice. The incidence of teratomas varied substantially depending on the transplanted cells and recipient mice. Thus, considerable care must be taken as to tumorigenicity.
机译:胚胎干(ES)细胞移植到免疫缺陷小鼠中后具有生成畸胎瘤的能力,但影响其生成的条件仍有待阐明。在不同条件下,将非人灵长类猕猴ES细胞移植到免疫缺陷小鼠中。受体小鼠的移植细胞数量,物理状态(团块或单个解离的细胞),移植部位,分化状态和免疫状态均发生变化。然后评估致瘤性。当食蟹猕猴ES细胞以团块形式移植到非肥胖/严重合并免疫缺陷(NOD / SCID)或NOD / SCID / gammac(null)(NOG)小鼠的下肢肌肉中时,所有移植了1 x小鼠的动物均形成畸胎瘤10(5)个或更多细胞,但在任何移植了1 x 10(5)细胞的小鼠中均未观察到。但是,当将细胞作为解离的细胞移植时,所有小鼠中形成畸胎瘤所需的细胞数增加到5 x 10(5)。当将团簇细胞皮下注射(而不是肌内注射)时,该数目也增加到5×10(5)。当将包含残存多能细胞的食蟹猴ES细胞来源的祖细胞(1 x 10(6))移植到NOG或NOD / SCID小鼠的下肢肌肉中时,畸胎瘤的发生率因菌株而异。畸胎瘤在五只NOG小鼠中的五只中发展出来,但在五只NOD / SCID小鼠中只有两只。畸胎瘤的发生率很大程度上取决于移植的细胞和受体小鼠。因此,在致瘤性方面必须格外小心。



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