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Adipose tissue-derived stem cells show considerable promise for regenerative medicine applications


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The stromal-vascular cell fraction (SVF) of adipose tissue can be an abundant source of both multipotent and pluripotent stem cells, known as adipose-derived stem cells or adipose tissue-derived stromal cells (ADSCs). The SVF also contains vascular cells, targeted progenitor cells, and preadipocytes. Stromal cells isolated from adipose tissue express common surface antigens, show the ability to adhere to plastic, and produce forms that resemble fibroblasts. They are characterized by a high proliferation potential and the ability to differentiate into cells of meso-, ecto- and endodermal origin. Although stem cells obtained from an adult organism have smaller capabilities for differentiation in comparison to embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSs), the cost of obtaining them is significantly lower. The 40 years of research that mainly focused on the potential of bone marrow stem cells (BMSCs) revealed a number of negative factors: the painful sampling procedure, frequent complications, and small cell yield. The number of stem cells in adipose tissue is relatively large, and obtaining them is less invasive. Sampling through simple procedures such as liposuction performed under local anesthesia is less painful, ensuring patient comfort. The isolated cells are easily grown in culture, and they retain their properties over many passages. That is why adipose tissue has recently been treated as an attractive alternative source of stem cells. Essential aspects of ADSC biology and their use in regenerative medicine will be analyzed in this article.
机译:脂肪组织的基质血管细胞分数(SVF)可以是多能干细胞和多能干细胞的丰富来源,这些干细胞被称为脂肪来源的干细胞或脂肪组织来源的基质细胞(ADSC)。 SVF还包含血管细胞,靶向祖细胞和前脂肪细胞。从脂肪组织分离的基质细胞表达共同的表面抗原,表现出粘附塑料的能力,并产生类似于成纤维细胞的形式。它们具有高增殖潜能和分化成中胚层,外胚层和内胚层来源的细胞的能力。尽管与胚胎干细胞和诱导多能干细胞(iPSs)相比,从成体生物体获得的干细胞具有较小的分化能力,但获得它们的成本却大大降低。 40年的研究主要集中于骨髓干细胞(BMSCs)的潜力,发现了许多负面因素:痛苦的采样程序,频繁的并发症和小细胞产量。脂肪组织中干细胞的数量相对较大,获得干细胞的侵害性较小。通过简单的程序(例如在局部麻醉下进行的抽脂术)进行的采样会减轻痛苦,从而确保患者舒适。分离的细胞易于在培养中生长,并且它们在许多传代中都保持其特性。这就是为什么脂肪组织最近已被视为有吸引力的干细胞替代来源。本文将分析ADSC生物学的基本方面及其在再生医学中的用途。



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