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Plant biomass and species composition along an environmental gradient in montane riparian meadows


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In riparian meadows, narrow zonation of the dominant vegetation frequently occurs along the elevational gradient from the stream edge to the floodplain terrace. We measured plant species composition and above- and belowground biomass in three riparian plant communities-a priori defined as wet, moist, and dry meadow-along short streamside topographic gradients in two montane meadows in northeast Oregon. The objectives were to: (1) compare above- and belowground biomass in the three meadow communities; (2) examine relations among plant species richness, biomass distribution, water table depth, and soil redox potential along the streamside elevational gradients. We installed wells and platinum electrodes along transects (perpendicular to the stream; n=5 per site) through the three plant communities, and monitored water table depth and soil redox potential (10 and 25 cm depth) from July 1997 to August 1999. Mean water table depth and soil redox potential differed significantly along the transects, and characterized a strong environmental gradient. Community differences in plant species composition were reflected in biomass distribution. Highest total biomass (live+dead) occurred in the sedge-dominated wet meadows (4,311+/-289 g/m(2)), intermediate biomass (2,236+/-221 g/m(2)) was seen in the moist meadow communities, dominated by grasses and sedges, and lowest biomass (1,403+/-113 g/m(2)) was observed in the more diverse dry meadows, dominated by grasses and forbs. In the wet and moist communities, belowground biomass (live+dead) comprised 68-81% of the totals. Rhizome-to-root ratios and distinctive vertical profiles of belowground biomass reflected characteristics of the dominant graminoid species within each community. Total biomass was positively correlated with mean water table depth, and negatively correlated with mean redox potential (10 cm and 25 cm depths; P<0.01) and species richness (P<0.05), indicating that the distribution of biomass coincided with the streamside edaphic gradient in these riparian meadows.
机译:在河岸草甸,主要植被的狭窄地带经常沿着从溪流边缘到洪泛区阶地的海拔梯度发生。我们测量了三个河岸植物群落的植物物种组成以及地上和地下生物量(先验定义为湿,湿和干草甸)以及俄勒冈州东北部两个山地草甸的短溪边地形梯度。目的是:(1)比较三个草甸群落的地上和地下生物量; (2)研究沿河岸海拔梯度植物物种丰富度,生物量分布,地下水位深度和土壤氧化还原电位之间的关系。我们在1997年7月至1999年8月期间,沿着三个植物群落的断面(垂直于溪流;每个站点n = 5)安装了水井和铂电极,并监测了地下水位深度和土壤氧化还原电势(深度为10和25 cm)。沿断面,地下水位深度和土壤氧化还原电势存在显着差异,并具有很强的环境梯度。植物物种组成的群落差异反映在生物量分布中。总的最高生物量(活+死)发生在莎草占主导的湿草甸(4,311 +/- 289 g / m(2)),中间生物量(2,236 +/- 221 g / m(2))以草和莎草为主的草甸群落和最低的生物量(1,403 +/- 113 g / m(2))在种类繁多的以草和草为主的干燥草甸中观察到。在湿润和潮湿的社区中,地下生物量(活+死)占总数的68-81%。地下生物量的根茎根比和独特的垂直剖面反映了每个群落中优势类禾本科动物的特征。总生物量与平均地下水位深度呈正相关,与平均氧化还原电位(10 cm和25 cm深度; P <0.01)和物种丰富度(P <0.05)呈负相关,表明生物量的分布与河岸水质一致。这些河岸草甸的梯度。



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