首页> 外文期刊>Oecologia >Sympatry and allopatry in two desert ant sister species: how do Cataglyphis bicolor and C-savignyi coexist?

Sympatry and allopatry in two desert ant sister species: how do Cataglyphis bicolor and C-savignyi coexist?


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Two extremely morphologically similar sister species of desert ants, Cataglyphis bicolor and C. savignyi, exhibit broadly overlapping distributional ranges within Tunisia. In order to analyse the microhabitats of C. bicolor and C. savignyi within the sympatric and allopatric areas of both ant species, the plant species located at 113 different nest sites of the two ant species were determined. In the sympatric area, the two species exhibit a clear-cut nest site segregation. This is not the case in the allopatric areas. Hence the two species differentiate their microhabitat only when they are sympatric. The plant species associated mainly with the nest sites of C. bicolor indicate that this species prefers a type of vegetation that needs irrigation. This is in contrast to the nest sites of C. savignyi, which are usually found around plants that characterize typical dry steppe areas. As the ants' foraging paths recorded in the sympatric area reveal, C. bicolor performs significantly shorter foraging runs with respect to both length and time, and covers a much smaller foraging range than C. savignyi does. This result reflects the fact that the microhabitat occupied by the colonies of C. bicolor is richer in food abundance. When direct interspecific interactions were investigated by placing a bait midway between two heterospecific nests, C. bicolor foragers dominated over those of C. savignyi. The same dominance of C. bicolor over C. savignyi occurred in laboratory experiments. These results suggest that the dominant species drives the subordinate one out of the high quality microhabitats, and that the subordinate species is forced to survive in the less lucrative habitats. In conclusion, coexistence seems to be maintained by the asymmetric competitive relationship between the two species and the fact that the subordinate species has the ability to endure in the less favourable microhabitat.
机译:沙漠蚂蚁的两种形态上极为相似的姊妹物种,即Catagphiphis bicolor和C. savignyi,在突尼斯境内显示出广泛重叠的分布范围。为了分析两种蚂蚁物种的同生和异特异区域内的双色隐孢子虫和沙柳隐孢子虫的微生境,确定了位于两种蚂蚁物种的113个不同巢位的植物物种。在同胞区,这两个物种表现出明显的巢穴分离。在异影区域不是这种情况。因此,这两个物种仅在同伴时才区分其微生境。主要与双色隐孢子虫巢位有关的植物物种表明该物种偏爱需要灌溉的一种植被。这与C. savignyi的巢点相反,后者通常在典型的干草原地区的植物周围发现。正如在同胞区域记录的蚂蚁觅食路径所揭示的那样,双色梭梭在长度和时间上的觅食行程都明显缩短,并且比萨维尼梭虫的觅食范围要小得多。该结果反映了一个事实,即双色梭菌菌落占据的微生境富含食物。当通过在两个异种巢之间的中间放置诱饵来研究直接种间相互作用时,双色觅食的食性比沙棘食性的食性更重要。在实验室实验中,双色衣藻比无花衣藻具有相同的优势。这些结果表明,优势物种驱使次要物种脱离高质量的微生境,而次要物种则被迫在利润较低的栖息地中生存。总之,这两种物种之间不对称的竞争关系和下属物种具有忍受不利的微生境的能力这一事实似乎可以维持共存。



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