首页> 外文期刊>Russian journal of Pacific geology >Evidences of Cenozoic Strike-Slip Dislocations of the Red River Fault System in Paleozoic Carbonate Strata of Cat Ba Island (Northern Vietnam)

Evidences of Cenozoic Strike-Slip Dislocations of the Red River Fault System in Paleozoic Carbonate Strata of Cat Ba Island (Northern Vietnam)


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The structural researches of carbonate strata in the northeastern segment of the framework of the Red River Fault System (Cat Ba Island, Northern Vietnam) has been carried out. It was found that weakly deformed carbonate strata are cut by NW-trending (300-310°) strike-slip faults. Development of plicative and disjunctive dislocations occurred along predominantly sinistral strike-slip fault zones formed as a result of ENE regional compression (80°) during the Oligocene-Miocene phase of deformation. Late dislocations confined to the Pliocene-Quaternary phase of deformation (NNW regional compression 330-350°), are relatively less developed. Seismic monitoring data show that both plicative and disjunctive dislocations have continued to the present.
机译:在红河断层系统(越南北部的Cat Ba Island)框架东北段的碳酸盐岩地层的结构研究已经进行。研究发现,西北向(300-310°)走滑断层切割了弱变形的碳酸盐岩地层。在渐新世-中新世变形阶段,由于ENE区域压缩(80°)而形成的主要左旋走滑断裂带发生了倍增和分离位错的发展。晚期位错仅限于上新世-第四纪变形(NNW区域压缩330-350°),相对较不发达。地震监测数据表明,倍增和分离位错一直持续到现在。



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