首页> 外文期刊>Revue Forestiere Francaise >Ernest Guinier (1837-1908) - a versatile and far-sighted forester.

Ernest Guinier (1837-1908) - a versatile and far-sighted forester.

机译:欧内斯特·吉尼尔(Ernest Guinier)(1837-1908)-多才多艺且有远见的林务员。

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This forester who died a hundred years ago spent his entire career in the Alps and the Pyrenees. He contributed to lively debates on forestry from 1875 to 1900 through numerous publications that dealt with a broad range of subjects among which we have selected those that are still considered new. In 1899, he described a silvicultural system where trees are "individually selected" to be "free on all sides". This is recognizable as the qualification-growth technique developed in Germany at the end of the 20th century. In 1901, he was concerned by "hybridization" between the Mountain pines in the Alps and those in the Pyrenees at a time when major reforestation work involving exchanges of provenances was occurring. This concern has only recently come to the fore. Setting aside the quarrels about even-aged versus selection forests, his very pragmatic "versatile method" devised in 1879 strongly resembles the silvicultural systems currently recommended for upland coniferous forests. In 1901, he expresses indignation about the fact that 40 years previously the last primary forest in the Alps had been clear-cut. The movement in favour of preserving "ancient forests" is highly topical. These four ideas are the outcome of close observation by a naturalist and ecologically supported arguments.
机译:这位在一百多年前去世的林务员整个职业生涯都在阿尔卑斯山和比利牛斯山脉度过。从1875年到1900年,他通过众多涉及广泛主题的出版物为有关林业的热烈辩论做出了贡献,其中我们选择了仍然被认为是新主题的主题。 1899年,他描述了一种造林系统,其中“个体选择”树木“在各方面都是自由的”。这是20世纪末德国开发的资格认证技术。 1901年,他在阿尔卑斯山的山松与比利牛斯山的松之间的“杂交”问题引起了人们的关注。这种担忧直到最近才浮出水面。撇开关于平均年龄和选择森林的争执,他在1879年设计的非常务实的“通用方法”非常类似于目前推荐用于山地针叶林的造林系统。 1901年,他对40年前阿尔卑斯山最后一片原始森林被砍伐的事实表示愤慨。维护“古老森林”的运动是非常热门的话题。这四个想法是博物学家和生态学支持的论者密切观察的结果。



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