首页> 外文期刊>Reproductive toxicology >Estrogenic activity of pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical mixtures in a yeast reporter gene system.

Estrogenic activity of pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical mixtures in a yeast reporter gene system.


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Pharmaceuticals enter aquatic environments in unchanged form or as metabolites. Little is known about their potential hormonal activity, which is of particular interest due to potential long-term effects on fertility and reproduction in aquatic organisms. Moreover, there is a need to assess the combined activity of pharmaceutical mixtures. In this study, 37 pharmaceuticals have been analysed in vitro for estrogenic activity using a recombinant yeast system expressing the human estrogen receptor alpha. Six pharmaceuticals belonging to different therapeutic classes, cimetidine, fenofibrate, furosemide, paracetamol, phenazone and tamoxifen, exhibited weak estrogenic activity. Furosemide showed an almost full concentration-response curve, whereas the other compounds showed low efficacy. The half-maximal activities of the pharmaceuticals were in the range of 0.66-25.53 mM. Furthermore, binary mixtures of furosemide and 17beta-estradiol (E2), and furosemide and phenazone, and mixtures of up to five active pharmaceuticals were assessed for their combinatory activity at different equipotent concentrations. The estrogenic activity of binary mixtures of furosemide with E2 and phenazone, respectively, followed the model of concentration addition (CA). Mixtures of other pharmaceuticals often deviated from the CA model, because extrapolations become inaccurate with only partial and non-parallel concentration-response curves having low efficacy. This demonstrates that full and parallel concentration-response curves are a prerequisite for accurate predictions of mixture activity. Our study demonstrates for the first time weak estrogenic activity in vitro of some common pharmaceuticals and their mixtures.
机译:药物以不变的形式或以代谢产物形式进入水生环境。人们对它们潜在的激素活性知之甚少,由于对水生生物的繁殖力和繁殖有潜在的长期影响,人们对此特别感兴趣。此外,需要评估药物混合物的联合活性。在这项研究中,已使用表达人雌激素受体α的重组酵母系统对37种药物的体外雌激素活性进行了分析。西咪替丁,非诺贝特,呋塞米,对乙酰氨基酚,非那酮和他莫昔芬等六种药物属于不同的治疗类别,它们的雌激素活性均较弱。速尿显示出几乎完整的浓度-反应曲线,而其他化合物则显示出低效。药物的半最大活性为0.66-25.53 mM。此外,还评估了呋塞米和17β-雌二醇(E2),呋塞米和非那酮的二元混合物以及多达五种活性药物的混合物在不同等当量浓度下的组合活性。速尿与E2和phenazone的二元混合物的雌激素活性分别遵循浓度加成(CA)模型。其他药物的混合物通常会偏离CA模型,因为外推法仅具有部分和非平行的浓度-反应曲线,且效率低,因此不准确。这表明完全和平行的浓度-响应曲线是准确预测混合物活性的先决条件。我们的研究首次证明了某些常用药物及其混合物的体外雌激素活性较弱。



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