首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrics and Gynecology: Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists >Screening for adverse pregnancy outcome by ductus venosus Doppler at 11-13+6 weeks of gestation.

Screening for adverse pregnancy outcome by ductus venosus Doppler at 11-13+6 weeks of gestation.

机译:妊娠11-13 + 6周时通过导管静脉多普勒筛查不良妊娠结局。

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OBJECTIVE: To estimate the independent contribution of abnormal flow in the ductus venosus at 11 to 13+6 weeks of gestation in the prediction of major fetal abnormalities and fetal death. METHODS: This was a prospective assessment of singleton pregnancies by maternal history, serum free beta-hCG, pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A), fetal nuchal translucency thickness, and ductus venosus Doppler. The patients were subdivided into five groups: normal outcome (n=10,120), miscarriage or fetal death (n=185), abnormal karyotype (n=95), and major cardiac (n=20) or noncardiac defect (n=70). Regression analysis was performed to determine the significance of the contribution to adverse outcome of reversed a-wave in the ductus venosus, maternal characteristics, fetal delta nuchal translucency, maternal serum log PAPP-A multiples of the median, and log free beta-hCG multiples of the median. RESULTS: The prevalence of reversed a-wave was significantly higher in the groups with miscarriage or fetal death(10.8%), abnormal karyotype (62.1%), and fetal cardiac defect (25.0%) than in the normal outcome group (3.7%), but not noncardiac defect (4.3%). An adverse outcome was observed in 2.7% of the fetuses with nuchal translucency at or below the 95th centile (in 2.6% of those with normal a-wave and in 7.0% of those with reversed a-wave) and in 19.3% of the fetuses with nuchal translucency above the 95th centile (in 8.9% of those with normal a-wave and in 70.9% of those with reversed a-wave). CONCLUSION: Reversed a-wave is associated with increased risk for chromosomal abnormalities, cardiac defects, and fetal death. However, in about 80% of cases with reversed a-wave, the pregnancy outcome is normal.
机译:目的:评估妊娠11至13 + 6周时静脉导管异常血流的独立贡献,以预测重大胎儿异常和胎儿死亡。方法:这是通过产妇史,无血清β-hCG,妊娠相关血浆蛋白A(PAPP-A),胎儿颈部半透明厚度和导管静脉多普勒对单胎妊娠的前瞻性评估。将患者分为五组:正常结果(n = 10,120),流产或胎儿死亡(n = 185),异常核型(n = 95)和主要心脏(n = 20)或非心脏缺陷(n = 70) 。进行回归分析以确定导管逆转a波对不良后果的贡献的重要性,孕产妇特征,胎儿三角洲半透明性,孕产妇血清中值的log PAPP-A倍数和游离β-hCG倍数对数的中位数。结果:流产或胎儿死亡(10.8%),核型异常(62.1%)和胎儿心脏缺陷(25.0%)组的a波倒置发生率明显高于正常结果组(3.7%) ,而非非心脏缺陷(4.3%)。在第95个百分位数或以下的胎儿中,有2.7%的胎儿具有不良的结局(在a波正常的患者中占2.6%,在a波反转的患者中占7.0%),在19.3%的胎儿中有不良结果。颈部半透明性高于第95个百分位(a波正常者中8.9%,a波反转者中70.9%)。结论:a波逆转与染色体异常,心脏缺陷和胎儿死亡的风险增加有关。但是,在大约80%的a波反向病例中,妊娠结局是正常的。



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