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Long-term Psychological Consequences of Pregnancy Termination for Fetal Abnormality: A Cross-sectional Study.


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Most couples that conceive a child having a severe congenital anomaly decide to terminate the pregnancy. In The Netherlands, approximately 500 of 200,000 annual pregnancies end in termination of pregnancy (TOP) because of fetal anomaly. Such terminations are complex life events; many women-and their partners-find the decision to be an almost inhuman act. The voluntary nature of the act may conflict with normal grief responses. Studies have shown that gestational age, severity of the anomaly, and its compatibility with extrauterine life all play a major role in the decision-making process. This cross-sectional study enrolled 254 woman 2 to 7 years after TOP for fetal anomaly. In all cases, TOP took place before 24 weeks gestation. The mean age at termination was 34 years and the mean gestational age was 18 weeks. Standard questionnaires served to estimate grief, posttraumatic symptoms and psychologic and somatic sequelae. Final results were available for 196 women who completed all the questionnaires.Scores on tests of grief, posttraumatic stress, and psychosomatic symptoms correlated closely with one another. These measures, however, correlated only moderately, at best, with feelings of doubt and regret. Eight of the women reported feelings of regret, and 10% reported being in doubt. Both educational level and perceived support from the partner correlated closely and consistently with outcome measures. Less educated women and those perceiving limited support from their partners had the lowest scores on psychologic outcomes. None of the predictors correlated significantly with feelings of regret. Outcomes did not relate significantly to religion, having living children, method of TOP, or recent life events. On multiple regression analysis, grief was independently predicted by educational level, gestational age, and lethality. Educational level significantly predicted posttraumatic stress. Less educated women more often had somatic complaints. Both anxiety and depression appeared to increaseover time. Advanced gestational age at TOP predicted doubt about the decision to terminate, as did presumed fetal viability and having living children. Perceived partner support independently influenced grief, most aspects of posttraumatic stress, anxiety, and depression. Five women (2.6% of those studied) had pathologic scores for grief and 33 (17%) for posttraumatic stress. In the latter group, elevated scores did not relate to the time since TOP. Women having TOP before 14 completed weeks of gestation had relatively low scores for grief and posttraumatic stress.The major modifiable factor predicting subsequent psychologic status in this study was perceived support by the partner, suggesting that more attention to counseling of partners would be appropriate. Less educated women are in particular need of support. Outcomes are likely to be best when prenatal screening and diagnostic tests are carried out early in the course of pregnancy.
机译:大多数怀有先天性异常孩子的夫妇决定终止妊娠。在荷兰,由于胎儿异常,在200,000例每年的妊娠中,约有500例终止妊娠(TOP)。这种终止是复杂的生活事件;许多妇女及其伴侣决定做出几乎是不人道的举动。该行为的自愿性质可能与正常的悲伤反应相抵触。研究表明,胎龄,异常严重程度及其与子宫外生活的相容性在决策过程中均起着重要作用。这项横断面研究招募了254名在胎儿畸形发生后2至7年的女性。在所有情况下,TOP发生在妊娠24周之前。终止时的平均年龄为34岁,平均胎龄为18周。标准调查表可用来评估悲伤,创伤后症状以及心理和躯体后遗症。 196名完成所有问卷调查的女性均获得了最终结果。悲伤,创伤后压力和心身症状测试的得分彼此密切相关。但是,这些措施充其量仅与怀疑和遗憾的感觉适度相关。其中八名妇女报告感到遗憾,而十%的妇女表示怀疑。合作伙伴的学历水平和感知支持与成果指标密切相关。受教育程度较低的妇女以及那些缺乏伴侣支持的妇女在心理结局方面得分最低。没有一个预测因子与后悔的感觉有显着相关。结果与宗教信仰,生下的孩子,TOP方法或最近发生的生活事件无关。在多元回归分析中,悲伤程度是受教育程度,胎龄和致死率的独立预测。教育程度显着预测了创伤后的压力。受教育程度较低的妇女更多地患有躯体不适。随着时间的流逝,焦虑和抑郁情绪都会增加。 TOP的高胎龄预示着对终止决定的怀疑,假定胎儿的生存能力和有生子也是如此。知觉的伴侣支持独立影响悲伤,创伤后压力,焦虑和沮丧的大多数方面。五名女性(占研究对象的2.6%)具有悲伤的病理评分,创伤后应激的得分为33(17%)。在后一组中,分数升高与自TOP以来的时间无关。在妊娠14周之前接受TOP治疗的女性在悲伤和创伤后压力方面的得分相对较低。在本研究中,预测随后心理状态的主要可调节因素被伴侣认为是支持者,这表明应更注意伴侣的咨询。受教育程度较低的妇女特别需要支持。当在怀孕早期进行产前筛查和诊断测试时,结果可能是最好的。



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