首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrical and gynecological survey >The effect of the Term Breech Trial on Medical Intervention Behavior and Neonatal Outcome in The Netherlands: An Analysis of 35,453 Term Breech Infants.

The effect of the Term Breech Trial on Medical Intervention Behavior and Neonatal Outcome in The Netherlands: An Analysis of 35,453 Term Breech Infants.


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The results of the Term Breech Trial were published in October 2000 in The Lancet. This prospective trial consisted of over 2000 pregnant women at term with a fetus in breech position. In The Netherlands, the overall caesarean section rate of term breeches increased from 50% in 2000 to 80% in 2001. The purpose of this study was to investigate the time scale in which this change in obstetric management occurred, whether it occurred in all hospitals, and whether this change in management was related to improved direct neonatal outcome. The study was conducted using data from The Netherlands Perinatal Registry that includes 95% of all approximately 200,000 deliveries per year in The Netherlands. All infants in breech position are born under secondary care, and the registry covers almost 100% of these births. The study population included infants in breech presentation who were delivered at term (between 37 and 42 weeks of gestation) with birth weights
机译:臀位试验的结果于2000年10月发表在《柳叶刀》上。这项前瞻性试验由2000多名足月妊娠位在臀位的孕妇组成。在荷兰,全日制剖腹​​产的剖腹产率从2000年的50%增加到2001年的80%。本研究的目的是调查发生这种产科管理变化的时间范围,以及是否发生在所有医院中,以及这种管理上的改变是否与改善直接新生儿结局有关。这项研究是使用荷兰围产期注册处的数据进行的,该数据包括荷兰每年约200,000例分娩中的95%。所有处于臀位的婴儿均在二级医疗中出生,并且登记资料涵盖了这些婴儿中几乎100%的婴儿。研究人群包括臀位婴儿,足月出生体重≤4000g时分娩(妊娠37至42周)。排除标准为多胎妊娠,产前胎儿​​死亡和重大先天性畸形。围产期死亡定义为产时死亡或出生后一周内死亡。新生儿创伤分为脑出血,头颅血肿,面神经麻痹,臂丛神经病变,锁骨骨折,肱骨或股骨骨折以及其他创伤。比较了Term Breech试验之前(1998年,1999年和2000年的9月30日之前)至2000年12月1日开始的围产期死亡率,低Apgar得分和创伤的比较,并包括2001年和2002年。)图2显示了2000年1月至2002年12月之间的逐月趋势。在Term Breech试验发布后的前两个月中,剖宫产的总比例从50%上升了超过80%,此后此比率保持稳定。这种增加主要是由于计划剖宫产增加的结果。在荷兰,除3家医院以外,其他所有医院均观察到了“臀围足月试验”发表后剖宫产率的增加。与Term Breech试用版发布前的33个月和体重≤= 4000 g的婴儿出生后的25个月相比,围产期死亡减少了2倍(0.35-0.18%,优势比[OR] 0.53、95%置信区间[CI] 0.33-0.83)和新生儿创伤减少4倍(0.29-0.08%,或0.26 [0.14-0.50])。这种减少主要是由于臀位引起的计划剖宫产增加,因为这种分娩方式与最低的死亡率和发病率有关。



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