
Trail Blazing


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For many an arts student looking to life beyond college, this is the stuff of dreams: a fully-equipped workshop and gallery space that you share with your best mates, in the heart of a thriving city Somehow though, most of these dreams turn to dust once the degree show is up and the pressure is on to earn a living 'in the real world', but for a group of ceramists in Bristol the fantasy became a reality. And Blaze is about as good as the dream can get: a two-storey, fully equipped ceramics workshop and gallery located along the arty strand of galleries and design shops between trendy Park Street and the city centre. It was set up as a co-operative in December 2002 by six friends who all graduated from the University of the West of England (UWE) in the last three years: Hanne Rysgaard, Belinda Lawson, Carol Reynolds, Aasne Solheim, Emily Burton and Rosamund Wilton. They lease the property from the Ethical Property Company, a socially- and ecologically-aware letting agents, at a very reasonable rent for such a central site. 'They were very happy when we said we wanted to set up a ceramic workshop', says Hanne, 'I think it fits in with their image. In terms of fulfilling the Company's environmental brief, it is all quite simple: 'We have to use energy-saving lightbulbs and recycle as much of our rubbish, such as paper and cardboard, as possible,' Emily says. But, as they are quick to point out, when it comes to scavenging, they are experts. 'We found this in a skip', says Carol, pointing to the stylish shelving unit mounted on the wall in the gallery area, 'and all the other shelves. The shop counter we inherited from the previous tenants.' The Ethical Property Company accepted staggered payments whilst Blaze got off the ground and the building is theirs for as long as they want it. Rates and services are included in the rent which keeps the financial organisation relatively straightforward.
机译:对于许多追求大学生活以外的艺术专业学生来说,这就是梦想:在一个繁荣的城市中心,您可以与最好的伴侣共享一个设备齐全的工作室和画廊空间。一旦学位升起,尘埃落定,“在现实世界中”谋生的压力就增加了,但是对于布里斯托尔的一群陶艺家来说,幻想变成了现实。布拉泽(Blaze)梦想成真:一座两层楼,设备齐全的陶瓷作坊和画廊,坐落在时尚的公园街和市中心之间的艺术画廊和设计商店旁。它是由六个朋友组成的合作社,六个朋友在过去三年中都从西英格兰大学(UWE)毕业:Hanne Rysgaard,Belinda Lawson,Carol Reynolds,Aasne Solheim,Emily Burton和罗莎蒙德·威尔顿(Rosamund Wilton)。他们从具有社会和生态意识的出租代理商Ethical Property Company租用了该中心位置的合理租金。汉恩说:“当我们说我们想建立一个陶瓷车间时,他们感到非常高兴。我认为这符合他们的形象。就履行公司的环境简介而言,这非常简单:“我们必须使用节能灯泡,并尽可能回收纸张和纸板等垃圾,”艾米丽说。但是,正如他们很快指出的那样,当您进行清理时,他们是专家。卡罗尔说,“我们发现了这一点,”他指着画廊区墙上的时尚搁架以及所有其他架子。我们从以前的租户那里继承的商店柜台。” Ethical Property Company接受了分期付款,而Blaze刚开始动工,而这栋建筑物正是他们想要的。房租中包含了差and和服务,这使金融机构相对简单。



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