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We talk for three hours by the river; under a weeping willow, and then we drive to the underground station. We pull up by the parking bay of Disney's UK headquarters and he gets out. Disney makes fiction. So do Jeff Koons, Claus Oldenburg, Adrian Saxe and all the other motley geniuses that can so easily be connected to Richard Slee [1]. With the icon of Mickey Mouse behind him, he raises his arm as a goodbye. We know what horses on a hilly field look like. They do not look like this. We call such discontinuity surrealism. There is a gulf between our sensibility and our vision, and surrealism seeks to reveal that gap. We have stood in an empty space, or a crowded one, and felt beached upon it as De Chirico and Giacometti have shown, and we feel there is a truth to this vision. Is there a truth to Slee's horses on the hill? Or is it a fiction, an untruth?
机译:我们在河边聊了三个小时。在垂柳下,然后我们开车去地铁站。我们在迪斯尼英国总部的停车湾旁停车,他下车了。迪斯尼做小说。杰夫·昆斯(Jeff Koons),克劳斯·奥尔登堡(Claus Oldenburg),阿德里安·萨克斯(Adrian Saxe)以及所有其他杂色的天才也是如此,这些天才可以很容易地与理查德·斯里(Richard Slee)联系起来[1]。身后有米老鼠的图标,他举起手臂告别。我们知道丘陵地上的马是什么样的。他们看起来不是这样。我们称这种不连续性为超现实主义。我们的感性与愿景之间存在鸿沟,而超现实主义则试图揭示这种差距。正如De Chirico和Giacometti所展示的,我们已经站在一个空旷的空间或拥挤的空间中,感觉像被搁浅了一样,我们感到这一愿景是真实的。希尔的马在山上有道理吗?还是虚构的,不真实的?



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