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Raising a Smile


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In the same way that elderly couples grow to look uncannily alike, and that pets resemble their owners, so Jane Muir's sculptures capture some of her own persona. More clues are to be found in her bright and well-ordered studio. The barrel-vaulted railway arch is a generous space, its white walls a welcome sight as you draw back the industrial concertina doors and step from the comparatively dark yard outside. A huge art deco-inspired light illuminates the desk with its assorted lists of people to call, deliveries to be made, books to read and recently-found objects to interrogate. On this visit a Le Creuset frying pan from the sixties sits by a Rough Guide to Iceland. The few pieces of furniture in the studio have migrated here from junk shops in the form of irresistibly shabby design classics, or are swaps with other makers. A bright red former post office bicycle rests near a hat stand with wooden spoons for hooks. This large space is business-like and enchanting at the same time. In the course of researching this feature I wrote to several collectors of Jane's work. What was the appeal for them? Judging by the lengthy replies, her figurative sculptures give a lot of pleasure. Long lists of purchases included where they 'live' around the house: 'Breakfast room: The Ambassador's Cake, Plate of Peas, Lady with Pink Spotty Dress... Sitting room: Medium-sized Ginger-haired Angel, two Sandy Men, two Pea Pods'; 'Large and Medium Pig... on dusty shelves with other ceramic pieces...'; 'The Lady with the rouged cheeks is also in the drawing room... I see she has acquired a gold star around her neck.' One collector even takes pieces away on holiday.
机译:就像年长的夫妇长得长相怪异,宠物也像它们的主人一样,简·缪尔(Jane Muir)的雕塑也捕捉到了她自己的某些角色。在她明亮且井井有条的工作室中可以找到更多线索。桶形拱形铁路拱门是一个宽敞的空间,白色的墙壁令人赏心悦目,因为您撤回工业六角琴门并从外面相对较暗的院子里走出来。巨大的装饰艺术风格的灯光照亮了办公桌,桌子上有各种待召唤的人,要送货的人,要读书的书和最近发现的物品要询问。在这次访问中,六十年代的Le Creuset煎锅坐在粗糙的冰岛指南上。工作室里的几件家具都是以破旧的经典设计形式从旧货店迁移到这里的,或者与其他制造商交换了。一辆鲜艳的红色前邮局自行车停在帽子架附近,钩子配木勺。这个宽敞的空间既像企业,又迷人。在研究此功能的过程中,我写了几封珍妮作品的藏家。对他们有什么吸引力?从冗长的答复来看,她的具象雕塑给人很大的乐趣。长长的购买清单包括他们在房子周围“居住”的地方:“早餐室:大使蛋糕,豌豆盘,穿着粉红色斑点衣服的女士...客厅:中型姜黄色天使,两个桑迪男人,两个豆荚'; “大中型猪……在多尘的架子上,还有其他陶瓷件……”; “脸颊宽大的女士也在客厅里……我看到她的脖子上已经有了一颗金星。”一位收藏家甚至在假日带走了许多东西。



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