首页> 外文期刊>Russian Metallurgy(Metally) >Induction Installations for Heating Long Cylindrical Billets before Metal Forming

Induction Installations for Heating Long Cylindrical Billets before Metal Forming


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Induction installations are widely applied for heating long articles (tubes, slabs, rods) before rolling, reduction, straightening, and other types of plastic deformation. This is explained by the following well-known advantages: good energy characteristics, a high heating rate, the absence of induction coil-metal contact, simple control, the possibility of complete automation, small unit dimensions, and easy maintenance (including the case of changes in the range of products) [1,2]. The specific feature of the heating of long articles, where the article length is much larger than the article cross section (the outer diameter for cylinders and the height and width for slabs), is the necessity of creating the same thermal conditions during the heating and transportation of billets. These conditions are satisfied if the same heating and cooling conditions are created at any point in a billet from the beginning of heating to the beginning of its processing.



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