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Part of the Language


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When I visited the Carlin Gallery in November 2002, the Parisian ceramic world was buzzing with the news that Pierre Bayle had just won the Prix Liliane Bettancourt Pour l'Intelligence de la Main. Robert Deblander and Hakguiko (a Japanese ceramist, sculptor, architect who has lived in France for over twenty-five years) each won prizes of distinction. The title of the prize means, literally, 'the Liliane Bettancourt prize for the intelligence of the hand.' Translated in this way it makes a striking image. He prize was inaugurated in 1999 for the different disciplines within the applied arts and, like the Jerwood Applied Arts Prize in the UK, rotates each year and at this time it was dedicated to ceramics. Contemporary ceramics in France is developing a more visible platform and the launch of the prize, together with Pierre Bayle's success, will help to enhance it further and raise public awareness.
机译:当我在2002年11月访问卡林美术馆时,巴黎的陶瓷界为之震惊,皮埃尔·贝勒(Pierre Bayle)刚刚赢得美利坚合众国大奖。罗伯特·德布兰德(Robert Deblander)和哈基科(Hakguiko)(日本陶艺家,雕塑家,建筑师,在法国生活了25年以上)各获殊荣。从字面上看,该奖项的标题意味着“手的智慧Liliane Bettancourt奖”。以这种方式翻译后,会产生惊人的图像。他的奖项于1999年成立,涉及应用艺术领域的不同学科,并且像英国的杰伍德应用艺术奖一样,每年轮换一次,目前它专门致力于陶瓷。法国当代陶瓷正在开发一个更加引人注目的平台,该奖项的发布以及Pierre Bayle的成功,将有助于进一步提高这一水平并提高公众意识。



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