首页> 外文期刊>Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias >Transmissibility of Babesia bigemina and Babesia bovis attenuated strains by Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus ticks.

Transmissibility of Babesia bigemina and Babesia bovis attenuated strains by Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus ticks.

机译:Rhipicephalus ( Boophilus ) microplus 传播 Bigemina 和 Bobessia bovis 减毒株滴答声。

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To assess transmissibility of attenuated Babesia bigemina (BIS) and Babesia bovis (BOR) strains by Rhipicephalus microplus (R. microplus), 12 steers from a tick-free area were divided in four groups and infested at different intervals with R. microplus larvae. One animal from each group was inoculated with 1x108 infected erythrocytes (IE) of attenuated BIS, BOR, virulent B. bigemina, or B. bovis field strains. Two additional serial passages were performed (syringe passages), and engorged female ticks were collected coincident with presence of IE in blood of infected steers. The offspring larvae were utilized to feed upon an additional group of recipient steers (tick passages). All needle passages were successful for inducing infection in steers that received both, the attenuated and field strains. Kinetes were detected in hemolymph of engorged female ticks fed on steers infected with virulent B. bigemina and B. bovis field strains. However, kinetes were not detected in hemolymph samples from ticks collected from the steers inoculated with the attenuated strains. All recipient steers infested with larvae from ticks that fed on steers infected with virulent strains became Babesia positive. By contrast, steers infested with larvae from ticks that fed on animals inoculated with attenuated strains were negative, except for the recipient steer receiving larvae from the third syringe passage of BIS and BOR. These strains could be safer to use as live immunogens in animals, as their virulence and ability to be transmitted by the tick is impaired at least after two blood passages in cattle.
机译:为了评估减毒的 Bemisia bigemina (BIS)和 Bevisia bovis (BOR)菌株通过细小Rhipicephalus microplus(i.R. microplus ),将来自无tick区域的12头ers牛分为四组,并以不同的间隔用 R感染。 plus虫。每组的一只动物都接种了1x10 8 感染的减毒BIS,BOR和有毒的 B红细胞(IE)。 bigemina 或 B。牛栏场应变。进行了两次附加的连续传代(注射器传代),并在感染的公牛血液中与IE的存在同时采集了饱满的雌性s。后代的幼虫被用来喂养另一组受体recipient牛(t虱传代)。所有的针通道都成功地诱导了接受减毒和田间应变的公牛的感染。在感染了强毒B的ste牛中,在饱食的雌性hemo的血淋巴中检测到动能。 bigemina 和 B。牛栏场应变。然而,在从用减毒株接种的the牛身上收集的tick中的血淋巴样品中未检测到动子。所有以受毒株感染的tick牛为食的s虫感染的受精ers牛都变成了巴贝斯虫阳性。相比之下,除了从BIS和BOR的第三次注射传代中接受幼虫的接受者的er虫,接受从减毒株接种的动物身上喂食的tick中被幼虫侵染的ers牛是阴性的。这些菌株在动物中用作活免疫原可能更安全,因为它们的毒力和由cattle传播的能力至少在牛经过两次血液传递后才受到损害。



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