首页> 外文期刊>Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias >Mother-young mutual recognition in Columbia sheep with nutritional restriction during pregancy

Mother-young mutual recognition in Columbia sheep with nutritional restriction during pregancy


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It was evaluated in multiparous Columbia ewes their ability to recognize their offspring (8 or 12 h postpartum), and in lambs their ability to recognize their mothers (12 or 24 h after birth), plus the spectral characteristics of the bleating of the litter (24 and 48 h of age). There were two experimental groups, one with nutritional restriction during the second half of gestation (Restricted, 70 % of their requirements in protein and energy from d 70 post conception, n= 24) and another without nutritional restriction (Control, 100 % of their requirements during pregnancy, n= 11). Nutritional restricted mothers to 8 h, showed no ability to discriminate the own and alien lamb (P>0.05), but at 12 h, they could do so. While control females were able todiscriminate its own lamb from an alien one since 8 h, they spent more time near their offspring than the others and looked them for longer period (P<0.05). While lambs from restricted group at 12 h were not able to discriminate against an alien mother(P<0.05), but they could do so at 24 h. While lambs of control group were able to discriminate against an alien mother since 12 h after birth (spend longer time near their mother and looked for longer time compared to the alien dam, P<0.05). The spectralcharacteristics of the vocalizations of the lambs were not influenced by the nutritional treatment of their mothers during pregnancy P<0.05). It was concluded that nutritional restriction during gestation delays the recognition mother-lamb, without alters apparently the spectrum of vocalizations in lambs.
机译:在哥伦比亚多头母羊(其产后8或12小时)中识别其后代的能力,在羔羊(出生后12或24小时)中识别其母亲的能力时,对它进行了评估,此外还评估了其凋落物的光谱特征( 24和48小时)。有两个实验组,一个在妊娠后半期受营养限制(受限制,从受孕后第70天开始,其蛋白质和能量需求的70%,n = 24),另一个不受营养限制(对照组,其受孕的100%怀孕期间的需求量,n = 11)。营养受限的母亲在8 h内没有能力分辨自己的和外来的羔羊(P> 0.05),但在12 h时,他们可以分辨。自8小时以来,对照雌性就可以将自己的羔羊与外星人区别开来,但与其他雌性相比,他们在后代附近花费的时间更多,并且寻找它们的时间更长(P <0.05)。限制组的羔羊在12 h不能区分外来母亲(P <0.05),但在24 h可以。对照组的羔羊自出生后12小时起就能够区分外来母亲(与外来母亲相比,在他们的母亲附近花费更长的时间,并寻找更长的时间,P <0.05)。羔羊发声的频谱特征不受妊娠期母亲营养处理的影响(P <0.05)。结论是,妊娠期间的营养限制会延迟识别母羊,而不会明显改变羔羊发声的范围。



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