首页> 外文期刊>Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias >Productive response of alfalfa to different cutting frequencies

Productive response of alfalfa to different cutting frequencies


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The present study was performed with the objective of assessing the effect of cutting frequency on herbage yield, botanical and morphological composition, leaf area per tiller and intercepted radiation in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cv. San Miguelito. The study was carried out from August 2006 to August 2007 at the Colegio de Postgraduados research station, Montecillo, Estado de Mexico. The treatments consisted in four cutting frequencies, 3, 4, 5 and 6 wk in spring-summer and 4. 5, 6 and 7 wk in fall-winter, distributed in a completely randomized block design with four replicates. Seasonal and annual herbage yield showed differences between cutting frequencies (P<0.05). The greatest total accumulated dry matter yield (34,454 kg DM ha~(-1)) was recorded at the 6 and 7 wk cutting frequencies, showing a 31, 26, 23 and 20 % distribution for summer, spring, fall and winter, respectively. Leaf area per tiller increased as the cutting frequency decreased (P< 0.05) and its greater value was recorded during summer with 5 wk frequency (108 cm2 tiller-1), similar to the one found at the summer 6 wk frequency (105 cm~2 tiller~(-1)), but significantly different and higher to those observed in all the other treatments (P<0.05). Relative to intercepted radiation, regardless of season (P< 0.05) its greater values were found at the 6 and 7 wk cutting frequencies, averaging 90 %. As a conclusion, it can be stated that the greatest herbage yield was observed when the alfalfa was harvested at 6 and 7 wk cutting frequency in spring-summer and in fall-winter.
机译:进行本研究的目的是评估切花频率对苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)cv的牧草产量,植物和形态组成,每分leaf叶面积和截留辐射的影响。圣米格里托(San Miguelito)。该研究于2006年8月至2007年8月在墨西哥Estado的Montecillo的Colegio de Postgraduados研究站进行。处理包括四个切割频率,春夏季分别为3、4、5和6周,秋冬季为4、5、6和7周,以完全随机的块设计分布,重复四次。季节性和年度牧草产量显示出cutting插频率之间的差异(P <0.05)。在6和7 wk切割频率下记录的最大累积干物质总产量(34,454 kg DM ha〜(-1)),分别显示夏季,春季,秋季和冬季分别为31%,26%,23%和20% 。每个分cutting的叶面积随per插频率的降低而增加(P <0.05),并在夏季以5 wk的频率(108 cm2分er-1)记录到更大的值,类似于在夏季以6 wk的频率(105 cm〜 2分er〜(-1)),但与所有其他处理相比均显着不同且更高(P <0.05)。相对于截获的辐射,无论季节如何(P <0.05),在6和7 wk切割频率下,其较大的值平均为90%。可以断定,在春夏和秋冬分别以6和7 wk的切割频率收获苜蓿时,可以观察到最大的牧草产量。



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