首页> 外文期刊>Revue Suisse d'Agriculture >Results of a 35-year ploughless tillage experiment at Changins (1970-2004). Part III: Weeds, diseases, pests and slugs.

Results of a 35-year ploughless tillage experiment at Changins (1970-2004). Part III: Weeds, diseases, pests and slugs.


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A tillage experiment was established in 1969 at Changins, Switzerland, to investigate the long-term effects of different ploughless tillage treatments. A crop rotation of winter wheat, winter oilseed rape, winter wheat and maize was established on a clay humic and on a loamy soil. Three ploughless techniques were compared with conventional mouldboard ploughing: deep cultivation with a chisel plough (25-30 cm depth), shallow cultivation with a cultivator (10-15 cm), and minimum tillage with a rotary harrow (5-7 cm depth), occasionally replaced by direct drilling (wheat and rape) and strip tillage (maize). From 1991 to 2003, a general increase in the seed bank was observed in the soil, which was more pronounced under ploughless treatments. No significant correlation was observed between the abundance of annual weeds and tillage treatments, except for the group oil seed rape (Brassica napus) and wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis), which showed a significant decrease under minimum tillage. Perennial weeds were efficiently controlled by target-aimed herbicides. Wheat ear Fusarium disease (Fusarium graminearum [Gibberella zeae] and F. poae) only caused few damages because of the tolerant wheat cultivar used and unfavourable climatic conditions for the disease. On oil seed rape, infection by phoma (Phoma lingam [Leptosphaeria maculans]) did not vary between the tillage treatments. During a season with high contamination by stemkanker (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum), infection of rape plants was greater in minimum-tilled plots than in ploughed plots. Insect pests and slugs could be controlled using either chemical products or biological methods if available over the whole experimental field..
机译:1969年在瑞士的Changins建立了耕作试验,以研究不同的无耕犁耕作方法的长期效果。在粘土腐殖质和肥沃的土壤上建立了冬小麦,冬油菜,冬小麦和玉米的作物轮作。比较了三种无犁耕技术与常规犁板耕作的比较:凿凿犁深耕(25-30厘米深度),耕cult机浅耕犁(10-15厘米)和旋耕机最小耕作深度(5-7厘米) ,有时被直接钻(小麦和油菜)和条耕(玉米)取代。从1991年到2003年,土壤中的种子库普遍增加,这在无耕犁处理下更为明显。除杂草油菜(Brassica napus)和野芥菜(Sinapis arvensis)外,一年生杂草的丰度与耕作处理之间没有显着的相关性,在最低耕作下它们表现出显着的减少。多年生杂草被目标除草剂有效控制。小麦穗镰刀菌病(Fusarium graminearum [Gibberella zeae]和F. poae)仅因使用的耐性小麦品种和气候条件不利而几乎没有造成损害。在油菜上,在耕作处理之间,phoma(Phoma lingam [Leptosphaeria maculans])的感染没有变化。在茎杆干菌(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)高污染的季节中,最小耕地的油菜种植面积比耕地高。如果在整个实验领域都可以使用化学产品或生物方法来控制害虫和。



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