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Is Alzheimer's disease a result of presynaptic failure? Synaptic dysfunctions induced by oligomeric beta-amyloid.


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Since Alois Alzheimer first described morphological alterations associated with his patient's dementia more than 100 years ago, Alzheimer's disease (AD) was defined as neurodegenerative disease caused by extracellular deposits of misfolded proteins. These amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles have been unambiguously considered as hallmarks of this ailment, accompanied by devastating brain atrophy and cell loss. When a 40-42 amino acid peptide, called beta-amyloid (Abeta), was identified as a main component of amyloid plaques and a few genetic cases of AD were linked to Abeta metabolism, the Abeta hypothesis of AD was proposed. It was initially thought that an increase in Abeta42 precipitates plaque formation, which causes the generation of neurofibrillary tangles and ultimately the death of neurons. However, during the last decade it became apparent that soluble rather than deposited Abeta is associated with dementia. Among the constituents of soluble Abeta, small oligomeric forms were increasingly associated with neuropathology. There is now ample evidence that Abeta oligomers do not affect neuronal viability in general, but interfere specifically with synaptic function. Long-term neurophysiological impairment ultimately causes degeneration of synapses, which becomes most apparent on the morphological level by retraction of dendritic spines. Loss of meaningful synaptic connections in the brain of patients with AD will shatter their capacity to encode and retrieve memories. The precise molecular mechanism of Abeta oligomer-induced impairment of synaptic transmission is not fully understood, but there are several independent observations that oligomers interfere with the vesicular release machinery at the presynaptic terminal. While this hypothesis offers a promising avenue to understand the underlying cause of cognition and memory deficits in the AD brain, it also opens a possibility to address new mechanisms for preventing and ultimately curing AD.
机译:自100多年前Alois Alzheimer首次描述了与患者痴呆症相关的形态变化以来,Alzheimer病(AD)被定义为由错误折叠的蛋白质的细胞外沉积引起的神经退行性疾病。这些淀粉样蛋白斑块和神经原纤维缠结已被明确视为该疾病的标志,并伴有毁灭性的脑萎缩和细胞丢失。当一种称为β-淀粉样蛋白(Abeta)的40-42个氨基酸的肽被鉴定为淀粉样蛋白斑块的主要成分,并且一些AD的遗传病例与Abeta代谢有关时,提出了AD的Abeta假设。最初认为,Abeta42的增加会沉淀斑块形成,从而导致神经原纤维缠结的产生,并最终导致神经元死亡。然而,在过去的十年中,很明显,可溶性而不是沉积的Abeta与痴呆症有关。在可溶性Abe​​ta的成分中,小的寡聚形式与神经病理学的联系越来越紧密。现在有足够的证据表明,Abeta低聚物一般不会影响神经元的生存能力,但会特异性地影响突触功能。长期的神经生理损伤最终会导致突触变性,这在形态学水平上最明显是通过缩回树突棘。 AD患者大脑中有意义的突触连接的丧失将破坏其编码和检索记忆的能力。尚不完全了解Abeta寡聚体引起的突触传递受损的确切分子机制,但有一些独立的观察结果表明,寡聚体会干扰突触前末端的囊泡释放机制。尽管这一假设为了解AD大脑认知和记忆缺陷的根本原因提供了一个有希望的途径,但也为解决预防​​和最终治愈AD的新机制打开了可能性。



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