首页> 外文期刊>Reviews in Process Chemistry and Engineering >The relevance of the kozeny-carman coefficient for the processes of fluid flow,electric current conduction,and seismic wave (acoustic signal) propagation and attenuation through porous media

The relevance of the kozeny-carman coefficient for the processes of fluid flow,electric current conduction,and seismic wave (acoustic signal) propagation and attenuation through porous media


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Flow of fluid(s),conduction of electric surrent,and propagation and attenuation of sound vibrations (seismic waves and acoustic signals) throgh porous media are complicated processes governed by several lithophysical characteristics of the composite solid particles (grains),fluid molecules,and pore spaces,as well as the interactions among them.Some of the influences that considerably affect the three processes (fluid flow,electric current conduction,and propagation and attenuation of sound vibrations) are: type,size and shape of grains; clay content; porosity; permeability; tortuosity (geometry of pore channels or capillary tubes); degrees of compaction,consolidation and cementation; viscosity,density, compressibility and temperature of saturant; and degree of saturation.In this study,emphasis is placed on the Kozeny-Carman coefficient (K_(infinity)) of the Kozeny-Carman equation and its relevance for the three processes,as K_(infinity) is affected by properties of the composite grains,pore fluid(s),and pore spaces,as well as by the overall lithophysical characteristics of porous media.The K_(infinity) is defined as tortuosity (#tau#) times shape factor (S_(hf)),and thus,it varies with variations of #tau# and/or S_(hf),of the Kozeny-Carman equation (Kozeny,1927;Carman,1937, 1938) is analogous to the Archie cementation factor (m) of the Archie-Winsauer equation (Archie,1942; Winsauer et.al.,1952), because both parameters (S_(hf),m) account for the same influences (shape and type of grains and pores,specific surface area,tortuosity,anicotropy,and overburden pressure). It is also shown that the Kozeny-Carman coefficient, K_(infinity) is analogous to the acoustic coupling factor (structure factor,#kappa#) of the Biot's theory of elasticity (Biot,1956a,b; 1962a,b).For a porous medium,the analogy between K_(infinity) and #kappa# is due to the fact that both parameters account for the same influences [sinuosity of pore channels (expressed in terms of tortuosity,#tau#); and shape of pore channels,pores and grains (expressed in terms of the shape factor,S_(hf))].
机译:流体通过多孔介质的流动,电的传导以及声振动(地震波和声信号)的传播和衰减是复杂的过程,受复合固体颗粒(颗粒),流体分子和会严重影响这三个过程(流体流动,电流传导以及声振动的传播和衰减)的一些影响因素是:晶粒的类型,大小和形状;孔隙的大小以及它们之间的相互作用。粘土含量;孔隙率渗透性曲折度(孔道或毛细管的几何形状);压实度,固结度和胶结度;饱和剂的粘度,密度,可压缩性和温度;在这项研究中,重点放在Kozeny-Carman方程的Kozeny-Carman系数(K_(infinity))及其与三个过程的相关性,因为K_(infinity)受复合材料性能的影响晶粒,孔隙流体和孔隙空间,以及多孔介质的整体岩石物理特征。K_(无穷大)定义为曲折度(#tau#)乘以形状因子(S_(hf)),因此,它随Kozeny-Carman方程(Kozeny,1927; Carman,1937,1938)的#tau#和/或S_(hf)的变化而变化,类似于Archie-Winsauer方程的Archie胶结因子(m)。 (Archie,1942; Winsauer等人,1952),因为两个参数(S_(hf),m)都具有相同的影响(晶粒和孔的形状和类型,比表面积,曲折度,各向异性和上覆压力) )。还显示了Kozeny-Carman系数K_(无穷大)类似于Biot弹性理论(Biot,1956a,b; 1962a,b)的声耦合因子(结构因子,kappa#)。多孔介质,K_(无穷大)和#kappa#之间的类比是由于以下事实:两个参数都具有相同的影响[孔隙通道的弯曲度(以曲折度表示,#tau#);孔道,孔和晶粒的形状和形状(以形状因子S_(hf)表示)]。



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