首页> 外文期刊>Reviews of Geophysics >The study of earth's magnetism (1269-1950): A foundation by peregrinus and subsequent development of geomagnetism and paleomagnetism

The study of earth's magnetism (1269-1950): A foundation by peregrinus and subsequent development of geomagnetism and paleomagnetism


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This paper summarizes the histories of geomagnetism and paleomagnetism ( 1269 - 1950). The role of Peregrinus is emphasized. In the sixteenth century a debate on local versus global departures of the field from that of an axial dipole pitted Gilbert against Le Nautonier. Regular measurements were undertaken in the seventeenth century. At the turn of the nineteenth century, de Lamanon, de Rossel, and von Humboldt discovered the decrease of intensity as one approaches the equator. Around 1850, three figures of rock magnetism were Fournet ( remanent and induced magnetizations), Delesse ( remagnetization in a direction opposite to the original), and Melloni ( direction of lava magnetization acquired at time of cooling). Around 1900, Brunhes discovered magnetic reversals. In the 1920s, Chevallier produced the first magnetostratigraphy and hypothesized that poles had undergone enormous displacements. Matuyama showed that the Earth's field had reversed before the Pleistocene. Our review ends in the 1940s, when exponential development of geomagnetism and paleomagnetism starts.
机译:本文总结了地磁和古磁学的历史(1269年至1950年)。强调了百草枯的作用。十六世纪,一场关于局部与全球磁场偏离轴向偶极子的辩论使吉尔伯特与勒·纳托尼尔发生了冲突。在17世纪进行了定期测量。在19世纪初,de Lamanon,de Rossel和von Humboldt发现随着接近赤道,强度降低。 1850年左右,岩石磁的三个数字分别为Fournet(剩磁和感应磁化),Delesse(与原始磁化方向相反的磁化)和Melloni(熔岩磁化在冷却时获得的方向)。大约1900年,Brunhes发现了磁性反转。在1920年代,谢瓦利埃(Chevallier)制作了第一张地磁地层学,并假设磁极经历了巨大的位移。 Matuyama表明,在更新世之前,地球的场已反转。我们的评论在1940年代结束,当时地磁和古磁学开始了指数式发展。



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