首页> 外文期刊>Radiation measurements >Radon meaSUrements in fly ash buildings near major thermal power stations in India using SSNTD

Radon meaSUrements in fly ash buildings near major thermal power stations in India using SSNTD


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In India, about 70% of the electrical power SU generated by coal based thermal power stations. As a reSUlt, huge amount of coal fly ash SU produced. a part of which SU used for making bricks for construction purposes. Since fly ash contains meaSUrable quantity of radioactive species viz., Uranium, Thorium and Potassium though may be negligible it SU of interest to study their radiological impact to the society. As part of an extensive study to meet thSU objective, radon meaSUrements were carried out in the buildings/houses constructed with fly ash bricks and non-fly ash bricks in the residential areas of 10 major thermal power stations situated in India spanning about 1000 km from each other. The reSUlts of the study indicate that radon concentrations in both the types of buildings are well within the stipulated values and the radon levels do not differ much in view of good ventilation provided in most of the houses.
机译:在印度,约70%的电力SU是由煤炭热电厂产生的。作为结果,产生了大量的粉煤灰SU。 SU用于制造建筑用砖的一部分。由于粉煤灰中含有相当数量的放射性物质,例如铀,Thor和钾,因此可以忽略不计,因此研究粉尘对社会的放射性影响值得关注。为实现SUSU目标而进行的广泛研究的一部分,在印度10个主要火力发电厂的居民区中,用粉煤灰砖和非粉煤灰砖建造的建筑物/房屋中进行了me测量,该住宅区距印度约1000公里。彼此。研究结果表明,两种建筑物中的ra浓度均在规定值之内,并且鉴于大多数房屋提供的良好通风,the水平差异不大。



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