首页> 外文期刊>Radiation measurements >Verification of design calculations of a PGNAA setup using nuclear track detectors

Verification of design calculations of a PGNAA setup using nuclear track detectors


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A rectangular moderator assembly has been designed for the PGNAA setup at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM). The design calculations of the rectangular moderator, which were obtained through Monte Carlo simulation, have been verified experimentally through thermal neutron yield measurement using CR-39 nuclear track detectors (NTDs). These measurements were carried out at the KFUPM 350 keV accelerator using 2.8 MeV pulsed neutron beam from D(d, n) reaction. The thermal neutron yield was measured inside the sample volume of the rectangular moderator by two NTDs fixed at back and front end of the sample cavity. The good agreement between the experimental results and the results of the calculations shows useful application of NTDs in verification of design calculations of a PGNAA setup. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. [References: 7]
机译:在法赫德国王石油和矿产大学(KFUPM)设计了用于PGNAA装置的矩形减速器组件。通过蒙特卡洛模拟获得的矩形减速器的设计计算已通过使用CR-39核径迹探测器(NTD)进行热中子产率测量得到了实验验证。这些测量是在KFUPM 350 keV加速器上进行的,使用的是来自D(d,n)反应的2.8 MeV脉冲中子束。通过固定在样品腔体前端和后端的两个NTD,在矩形减速器的样品体积内部测量热中子产率。实验结果与计算结果之间的良好一致性说明了NTD在验证PGNAA装置的设计计算中的有用应用。 (C)2003 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。 [参考:7]



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