首页> 外文期刊>Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries >Empirical estimates of historical variations in the catchability and fishing power of pelagic longline fishing gear

Empirical estimates of historical variations in the catchability and fishing power of pelagic longline fishing gear


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I quantify the effects of 11 variables on the catchability and fishing power of pelagic longlines, which are used to catch tunas and billfishes in the open ocean. Extension of the depth range and the duration of longline operations have reduced the catchability of several epipelagic species, such as mako sharks (Isurus spp.), since industrial longlining commenced in the tropical Pacific Ocean in the early 1950s. Reductions in the body size of many species may also have reduced encounters with longline hooks. By contrast, the catchability of commercially valuable bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) increased substantially because of the longer duration and extension of the depth range of longlines. Stronger and less visible line materials and increased fishing-master experience also contributed to increased catchability. By affecting the rate of bait loss, the introduction of new bait species increased fishing power. This study highlights significant problems in deriving indices of abundance from commercial catch and effort data. Instead of relying on commercial data, assessments should use tag-recapture experiments or dedicated surveys to obtain fishery-independent estimates of abundance.
机译:我量化了11个变量对远洋延绳钓的可捕捞性和捕捞能力的影响,这些作用用于在公海捕捞金枪鱼和and鱼。自从1950年代初期在热带太平洋开始工业加长以来,扩大深度范围和延绳钓作业的持续时间就降低了几种上层鱼类的可捕性,例如ability鲨(Isurus spp。)。减少许多物种的体型也可能减少与延绳钓钩的接触。相反,商业价值的大眼金枪鱼(Thunnus obesus)的可捕性由于延绳钓的持续时间较长和深度范围的扩大而大大提高。更强,更不易看见的钓线材料以及增加的钓鱼大师经验也有助于增加捕捞能力。通过影响诱饵损失率,新诱饵种类的引入提高了捕捞能力。这项研究突出了从商业捕捞量和努力量数据得出丰度指数时的重大问题。评估不应依赖商业数据,而应使用捕获标签的实验或专门的调查来获得与渔业无关的丰度估计。



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