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Radon sources and impacts:a review of mining and non-mining issues


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Radon is a ubiquitous natural carcinogen derived from the three primordial radionuclides of the uranium series(~(238)U and ~(235)U)and thorium series(~(232)Th).In general,it is present at very low concentrations in the outdoor or indoor environment,but a number of scenarios can give rise to significant radiological exposures.Historically,these scenarios were not recognised,and took many centuries to understand the links between the complex behaviour of radon and progeny decay and health risks such as lung cancer.However,in concert with the rapid evolution in the related sciences of nuclear physics and radiological health in the first half of the twentieth century,a more comprehensive understanding of the links between radon,its progeny and health impacts such as lung cancer has evolved.It is clear from uranium miner studies that acute occupational exposures lead to significant increases in cancer risk,but chronic or sub-chronic exposures,such as indoor residential settings,while suggestive of health risks,still entails various uncertainties.At present,prominent groups such as the BEIR or UNSCEAR committees argue that the'linear no threshold'(LNT)model is the most appropriate model for radiation exposure management,based on their detailed review and analysis of uranium miner,residential,cellular or molecular studies.The LNT model implies that any additional or excess exposure to radon and progeny increases overall risks such as lung cancer.A variety of engineering approaches are available to address radon exposure problems.Where high radon scenarios are encountered,such as uranium mining,the most cost effective approach is well-engineered ventilation systems.For residential radon problems,various options can be assessed,including building design and passive or active ventilation systems.This paper presents a very broad but thorough review of radon sources,its behaviour(especially the importance of its radioactive decay progeny),common mining and non-mining scenarios which can give rise to significant radon and progeny exposures,followed by a review of associated health impacts,culminating in typical engineering approaches to reduce exposures and rehabilitate wastes.
机译:on是从铀系列(〜(238)U和〜(235)U)和th系列(〜(232)Th)的三个原始放射性核素衍生而来的一种普遍存在的天然致癌物。通常,其存在的浓度非常低在室外或室内环境中,但是许多情况可能会导致大量的放射线暴露。从历史上看,这些情况并未被认识到,并且花了多个世纪的时间才了解understand的复杂行为与子代衰变与健康风险之间的联系,例如然而,随着二十世纪上半叶核物理和放射健康相关科学的迅速发展,人们对comprehensive 、,子的后代与健康影响(如肺癌)之间的联系有了更全面的了解。从铀矿工的研究中可以明显看出,急性职业暴露会显着增加癌症风险,而慢性或亚慢性暴露(如室内居住环境)则建议目前,诸如BEIR或UNSCEAR委员会这样的著名团体认为,“线性无阈值”(LNT)模型是最合适的辐射暴露管理模型,基于他们的详细审查和铀矿工,居住区,细胞或分子研究的分析.LNT模型意味着对additional和子代的任何额外或过量接触会增加总体风险,例如肺癌。有多种工程方法可用于解决ra接触问题。遇到诸如铀矿开采这样的场景,最经济有效的方法是精心设计的通风系统。对于住宅ra问题,可以评估各种选项,包括建筑设计和被动或主动通风系统。 ra源,其行为(特别是其放射性衰变子代的重要性),常见采矿和非采矿场景的综述这可能导致significant和子代的大量暴露,随后是对相关健康影响的审查,最终采用了典型的工程方法来减少暴露和修复废物。



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