首页> 外文期刊>Remote Sensing of Environment: An Interdisciplinary Journal >A method for sub-pixel scale feature-tracking using Radarsat images applied to the Mertz Glacier Tongue, East Antarctica

A method for sub-pixel scale feature-tracking using Radarsat images applied to the Mertz Glacier Tongue, East Antarctica


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Tracking features between pairs of satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images using image crosscorrelation methods is a powerful tool for defining regions of image movement such as ice flow of Antarctic glaciers. Unlike optical images, processed SAR images have various instrumental effects such as view angle distortions and lateral displacement errors caused by slant range mapping. Co-registration issues are problematic and need to be addressed if there are fewo suitable stationary tie points at or near sea level within the images. Methods are presented that use Radarsat ScanSAR images to reliably measure sub-pixel displacements with errors of±0.25 pixels but this estimate is target dependent. The techniques and issues are illustrated using examples from a long-term study of the Mertz Glacier Tongue in East Antarctica. For image pairs only a few days apart, this extensive structure forms an excellent grid-like test pattern which provides up to 5000 valid correlation matches. Images separated by 100's of days can then be processed in the same way to reveal many subtle and some large changes over time. The technique described is robust and may be widely applicable.
机译:使用图像互相关方法跟踪成对的卫星合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像之间的特征是定义图像运动区域(如南极冰川的冰流)的强大工具。与光学图像不同,已处理的SAR图像具有各种仪器效果,例如由倾斜范围映射引起的视角失真和横向位移误差。共注册问题是有问题的,如果图像中或接近海平面的位置很少/没有合适的固定连接点,则需要解决。提出了使用Radarsat ScanSAR图像来可靠地测量亚像素位移的方法,误差为±0.25像素,但是此估计值取决于目标。通过对南极东部默兹冰川舌头的长期研究中的示例说明了这些技术和问题。对于仅相隔几天的图像对,这种广泛的结构形成了出色的网格状测试图案,可提供多达5000个有效的相关匹配。然后,可以以相同的方式处理相隔100天的图像,以显示随时间变化的许多细微变化。所描述的技术是健壮的并且可以广泛地应用。



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