首页> 外文期刊>Remote Sensing of Environment: An Interdisciplinary Journal >Fractional vegetation cover estimation algorithm for Chinese GF-1 wide field view data

Fractional vegetation cover estimation algorithm for Chinese GF-1 wide field view data


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Wide field view (WFV) sensor on board the Chinese GF-1, the first satellite of the China High-resolution Earth Observation System, is acquiring multi-spectral data with decametric spatial resolution, high temporal resolution and wide coverage, which are valuable data sources for environment monitoring. The objective of this study is to develop a general and reliable fractional vegetation cover (FVC) estimation algorithm for GF-1 WFV data under various land surface conditions. The algorithm is expected to estimate FVC from GF-1 WFV reflectance data with spatial resolution of 16 m and temporal resolution of four dates. The proposed algorithm is based on training back propagation neural networks (NNs) using PROSPECT + SAIL radiative transfer model simulations for GF-1 WFV canopy reflectance and corresponding FVC values. Green, red and near-infrared bands' reflectances of GF-1 WFV data are the input variables of the NNs, as well as the corresponding FVC is the output variable, and finally 842,400 simulated samples covering various land surface conditions are used for training the NNs. A case study in Weichang County of China, having abundant land cover types, was conducted to validate the performance of the proposed FVC estimation algorithm for GF-1 WFV data. The validation results showed that the proposed algorithm worked effectively and generated reasonable FVC estimates with R-2 = 0.790 and root mean square error of 0.073 based on the field survey data. The proposed algorithm can be operated without prior knowledge on the land cover and has the potential for routine production of high quality FVC products using GF-1 WFV surface reflectance data. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved.
机译:中国高分辨率地球观测系统的第一颗卫星中国GF-1上的宽视场(WFV)传感器正在获取具有十足的空间分辨率,高时间分辨率和宽覆盖范围的多光谱数据,这是有价值的数据环境监测源。这项研究的目的是为各种地面条件下的GF-1 WFV数据开发一种通用且可靠的分数植被覆盖度(FVC)估计算法。该算法有望从GF-1 WFV反射率数据估算FVC,其空间分辨率为16 m,时间分辨率为四个日期。该算法基于训练反向传播神经网络(NNs),该网络使用PROSPECT + SAIL辐射传递模型模拟来模拟GF-1 WFV冠层反射率和相应的FVC值。 GF-1 WFV数据的绿色,红色和近红外波段的反射率是NN的输入变量,而相应的FVC是输出变量,最后,使用842,400个覆盖各种陆地表面条件的模拟样本来训练神经网络。以中国围场县为例,该研究具有丰富的土地覆盖类型,以验证所提出的针对GF-1 WFV数据的FVC估计算法的性能。验证结果表明,基于现场调查数据,该算法有效地工作,并产生了合理的FVC估计值,R-2 = 0.790,均方根误差为0.073。所提出的算法可以在没有土地覆盖知识的情况下进行操作,并且具有使用GF-1 WFV表面反射率数据常规生产高质量FVC产品的潜力。 (C)2016 Elsevier Inc保留所有权利。



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