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Nutrient management of potato and its after effect on the soil fertility build-up in the lower Gangetic plains of West Bangal


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Field experiment, conducted during the rabi season of 2001-02 at the farmer's field, Kalyani (23.5°N, 89°E), West Bengal having sandy clay loam neutral (pH 7.2) soil, showed that the highest tuber yield (28.1 t/ha) of potato was obtained with 240 kgN, 180 kg each of P_2O_5 and K_2O/ha, which was at par with the tuber yield (27.9 t/ ha) recorded with 120 kg N, 90 kg each of P_2O_5 and K_2O alongwith 10 t FYM/ha. Deletion of K alone from the treatment combination reduced the tuber yield by 14.75% and recorded the highest percentage disease index (42%). The maximum change in total N (+0.013%) and available K_2O (+69.6 kg/ha) status was recorded in treatments receiving 240 kg N, 180 kg each of P_2O_5 and K_2O/ha. In case of P_2O_5, the highest changein status (+21.7 kg/ha) was observed where 120 kg N, 90 kg each of P_2O_5 and K_2O alongwith 10 t FYM/ha were applied. It may be concluded that application of 120 kg N, 90 kg each of P_2O_5 and K_2O alongwith 10 t FYM/ha were found suitable for potato (cv. Kufri Badshah) in the lower Gangetic plains of West Bengal.
机译:在2001-02年狂犬病季节,在西孟加拉邦的农民耕地Kalyani(23.5°N,89°E)上进行的田间试验表明,块茎产量最高(28.1 t每公顷马铃薯获得240 kgN,P_2O_5和K_2O / ha分别为180 kg,与块茎产量(27.9 t / ha)相同,马铃薯产量为120 kg N,P_2O_5和K_2O分别为90 kg和10 t FYM /公顷。从治疗组合中单独删除钾,使块茎产量降低了14.75%,并记录了最高的疾病指数百分比(42%)。在接受240千克氮,180千克P_2O_5和K_2O /公顷的处理中,记录了总N(+ 0.013%)和可用K_2O(+69.6 kg / ha)状态的最大变化。在P_2O_5的情况下,观察到最高的变化状态(+21.7 kg / ha),其中施用了120 kg N,P_2O_5和K_2O分别使用90 kg和10 t FYM / ha。可以得出的结论是,在西孟加拉邦下部恒河平原发现施用120 kg N,P_2O_5和K_2O各90 kg以及10 t FYM / ha适于马铃薯(库夫里·巴德沙(Cufri Badshah))。



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