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Antarctic problems on mineral resource activities and environmental protection


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After 1960s the demand of mineral resources hasrapidly increased in industrially advanced countries. Since thecountries depend on mineral-abundant developing countries for themost required mineral resources, they have a wide-range mineralpolicy for securing mineral resources steadily. They, in suchstraitened circumstances, have special interest in deep-sea andAntarctic mineral resources. Although the potential of Antarcticmineral resources has been estimated with a wide uncertainty, itappears that the continent contains significant resources, as manyprevious investigators have pointed out.Antarctica is at present governed by the Antarctic Treaty, whichwent into effect of June 23, 1961. In June 1988, the ConsultativeParties of the Antarctic Treaty (CPAT) adopted the AntarcticMineral Resource Regime governing the exploration, developmentand production of Antarctic minerals. The Mineral Regime,however, was strongly resisted by international Non-GovernmentalOrganisations (NGOs) concerned with the conservation of theAntarctic environment. On the other hand, the Non-AlignedCountries declared in the General Assembly of the United Nationsthat any mineral regime on Antarctica, in order to be of benefit toall mankind, should be negotiated with the full participation of allmembers of the international community. The Antarctic MineralRegime, as well as the closed system of the Consultative Meetingby the CPAT, was censured also in many other conferences, e.g.the Conference of Heads of States or Governments of Non-Aligned Countries, the Council of Ministers of the Organisation ofAfrican Unity, the Council of Ministers of the League of ArabStates, and the Islamic Summit Conference.Thus, the Antarctic Mineral Regime once adopted was upset inNovember 1989. The CPAT instead adopted the Protocol onEnvironmental Protection in October 1991. The protocol, whichentered into force on January 14, 1998, prohibites any activityrelating to mineral resources, other than scientific research, inAntarctica at least for fifty years. In the period of the protocolnegotiation, some international environmental NGOs were invitedas observers to the Consultative Meeting and played importantroles as reliable partners of the CPAT in the constitution of the protocol.
机译:1960年代后,工业发达国家对矿产资源的需求迅速增加。由于国家依赖矿产丰富的发展中国家来获得最需要的矿产资源,因此它们有广泛的矿产政策来稳定地获取矿产资源。在这种情况下,他们对深海和南极的矿产资源特别感兴趣。尽管估计南极矿产资源的潜力存在很大的不确定性,但正如许多先前的调查人员所指出的那样,该大陆似乎蕴藏着丰富的资源。南极洲目前受《南极条约》的约束,该条约于1961年6月23日生效。 1988年,《南极条约》(CPAT)协商党通过了《南极矿产资源制度》,以管理南极矿物的勘探,开发和生产。但是,有关保护南极环境的国际非政府组织(NGOs)强烈反对矿物制度。另一方面,不结盟国家在联合国大会上宣布,为了使全人类受益,南极的任何矿产制度都应在国际社会所有成员的充分参与下进行谈判。南极矿物制度以及CPAT协商会议的非公开制度在许多其他会议中也受到谴责,例如国家元首或不结盟国家政府会议,非洲统一组织部长理事会,因此,曾经通过的南极矿产制度在1989年11月被打破。CPAT于1991年10月通过了《环境保护议定书》。该议定书于1月14日生效。 (1998年)禁止在南极洲从事至少50年的除科学研究以外的与矿产资源有关的活动。在议定书谈判期间,邀请了一些国际环境非政府组织作为观察员参加协商会议,并在CPAT的制定过程中作为CPAT的可靠伙伴发挥了重要作用。



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