首页> 外文期刊>Resource Geology >Fluid Evolution and Metallogenic Dynamics during Tectonic Regime Transition: Example from the Jiapigou Gold Belt in Northeast China

Fluid Evolution and Metallogenic Dynamics during Tectonic Regime Transition: Example from the Jiapigou Gold Belt in Northeast China


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The Jiapigou gold belt, one of the most important gold-producing districts in China, is located in the northern margin of the North China Craton (NCC). The tectonic evolution of the gold belt is closely related to the Siberian Plate (SP) in the north, Yangtze Craton (YC) in the south and Pacific Plate in the east. In order to investigate the nature of the tectono-fluid-metallogenic system, the authors investigated the relationships among the tectonic regimes, fluid evolution and metallogenesis. This paper examined the corresponding spatial-temporal relationship between the ore-controlling tectonic regime and hydrothermal fluid evolution in the Jiapigou gold belt. There are two types of gold mineralization: disseminated ores that are distributed within the NW-trending main ductile shear zone and gold-bearing quartz veins and minor disseminated ores that are distant to the ductile shear zone. The fluid inclusions in quartz contain a large amount of CO_2. Metamorphic fluids of middle to high temperatures and pressures and meteoric waters of low temperatures and pressures mixed together during mineralization. A proposed ore-forming model is as follows: in the pre-ore phase, the collision of SP and NCC resulted in the NS-trending compression of the ore belt. This formed the NE-trending and NW-trending shear faults and EW-trending folds. During the ore-forming phase, the collision of YC and NCC resulted in dextral shearing of the NW-trending Jiapigou fault and the NE-trending Green faults. High-pressure fluids caused by the compression flowed into the dilatant zone. This may have caused both phase separation of CO_2-bearing fluids and the mixing of meteoric waters, metamorphic waters and magmatic source fluids and finally resulted in the disequilibrium of the ore fluids and precipitation of ore minerals.



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