首页> 外文期刊>Research journal of microbiology. >Antibacterial Evaluation of the Himalayan Medicinal Plant Valeriana wallichii DC. (Valerianaceae)

Antibacterial Evaluation of the Himalayan Medicinal Plant Valeriana wallichii DC. (Valerianaceae)

机译:喜马拉雅药用植物Valeriana wallichii DC的抗菌评估。 (缬草科)

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Hexane, chloroform, methanol and water extracts of aerial part of a high altitude Himalayan medicinal plant Valeriana wallichii DC. (Valerianaceae) were tested for their in vitro antimicrobial properties against animal and plant pathogenic bacteria using disc diffusion method. Aqueous extract showed the highest activity against Staphylococcus aureus (23±1.0 mm zone of inhibition, MIC 250 and MBC 500 μg mL -1) followed by methanol extract against Bacillus subtilis (20±1.0 mm ZOI, MIC 31.25 μg mL -1 and MBC 500 μg mL -1), Staphyloccocus aureus (19±0.8 mm ZOI, MIC and MBC 125 μg mL -1) and hexane extract against Bacillus subtilis (18±1.2 mm ZOI, MIC and MBC 125 μg mL -1). Chloroform extract showed the least activity against the test bacteria. The inhibitory potential of V. wallichii extracts was found very notable as compared to Ampicillin (10 mcg) and Erythromycin (15 mcg) which were used as positive control against these tested microorganisms and therefore this plant can be used as a good source of antibiotic substances for possible treatment of bacterial infections of both plants and animals.
机译:高原喜马拉雅药用植物Valeriana wallichii DC空中部分的己烷,氯仿,甲醇和水提取物。用圆盘扩散法测试了(缬草科)对动植物病原菌的体外抗菌性能。水提取物对金黄色葡萄球菌具有最高活性(23±1.0 mm抑制区,MIC 250和MBC 500μgmL -1),其次是甲醇提取物对枯草芽孢杆菌(20±1.0 mm ZOI,MIC 31.25μgmL -1和MBC) 500μgmL -1),金黄色葡萄球菌(19±0.8 mm ZOI,MIC和MBC 125μgmL -1)和针对枯草芽孢杆菌的己烷提取物(18±1.2 mm ZOI,MIC和MBC 125μgmL -1)。氯仿提取物对测试细菌的活性最低。与氨苄西林(10 mcg)和红霉素(15 mcg)用作对这些被测微生物的阳性对照相比,发现沃奇氏菌提取物的抑制潜力非常显着,因此该植物可以用作抗生素物质的良好来源。用于治疗动植物的细菌感染。



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